Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hello everyone,

We are officially done with homework for 2010! Hope this doesn't upset anyone too much!

Thank you so much for donating to Jacob's Heart last week. Our class raised $175.00 which I brought to the Watsonville center last Friday. Our gift (in the form of a Target gift card) was then given to our adopted family this past weekend. Your generosity has provided this family with a happier Christmas.

Parents, I want to thank you also for the terrific support you have given your children this first half of the year. It's been just a pleasure working with this class so far, and I look forward to seeing them all again in 2011.
I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday and lots of fun during our break.


Mrs. Koue

Monday, December 20, 2010


Read: 30 min. *Be sure to keep reading over the break. I will be assigning a report on a non-fiction book in February.
Social Studies: Finish Middle Colonies brochure!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


*Finish national park report and prepare for your oral presentation (with completed poster) tomorrow. Remember that this is a persuasive speech, so be enthusiastic!

*Tomorrow is the final day for the Second Harvest food drive. We can still fit more food in our can!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Work on national park report - cover, chart/graph, map or any of the writing you still need to do.

Your report should be compiled in the following order:

Title Page
Table of Contents
Main Report (all your paragraphs)
Map and chart (these can also be placed anywhere in your report that you choose)

Work on your oral report.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Report: Final drafts of "Conservation" (if you found information on this) and "Conclusion"; Remember to begin preparing your short presentation for Friday.
Science: Study for tomorrow's test

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hello everyone,
Today we talked about ways we can make a difference this holiday season. One way is through our participation in the Second Harvest Food Bank's "Grind Out Hunger" campaign which the whole school is participating in this week. We also decided as a class that we would like to adopt a family through Jacob's Heart, a local organization that provides support to families with children who have cancer. Over the past few years, my classes have done this, and the folks at Jacob's Heart have been very grateful. We thought that a $5 donation would be great. I will bring our gift to their office this Friday afternoon. Thank you.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 139 (all) and 140 (choose 3)
Report: Final drafts of "Activities" and "Interesting Facts" paragraphs; begin preparing for your short oral presentation this Friday
Science: Study for Wednesday's test

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Math: Daily Routines Book - pg. 149 Facts Practice (just multiply) and pg. 150 #5-12 and 17-18
Park Report: Final drafts of "Plant Life" and "Places of Interest"
News Team #4: Prepare for tomorrow.

* Remember to begin studying for the science test we will have next Wednesday. Use your study guide!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Park report: Final draft of "Statistics" paragraph
Poetry Cafe: Prepare for tomorrow!

Monday, December 6, 2010

I sent home two national park report information sheets today: a final draft checklist and the oral report guidelines. I will be assigning parts of the final draft for homework over the next two weeks.
Our Poetry Cafe will be this Wednesday morning at 8:00. Parents, please join us if you can. It will be quite a groovy happening!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 303 #7-10; pg. 309 SET A #3-5, SET B #9-11, and SET C #7-9
National Park report: Final drafts of Introduction and History paragraphs
Prepare for "Poetry Cafe" on Wed.
News Team #4: Prepare for Friday

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Read: 30 min.; Have your parents sign your AR goal sheet and bring it to class tomorrow.
Math: HB pg. 129
Social Studies: Complete at least one section of brochure planning sheet
Spelling: Finish homework and study words
News Team #3: Practice for tomorrow's presentation

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 127 (all but #7) and 128 (choose 3); math review half sheet
Also: Spelling, news team #3, Poetry Cafe...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello everyone,
As we count down to Winter Break, I want to give you an overview of the next three and a half weeks...
*"Book Talk" due on Wed., Dec.1
*"Poetry Cafe" due on Wed., Dec. 8
* National Park written and oral reports due on Fri., Dec. 17
* Middle Colony Brochure (We will begin this in class this week) due on Tues., Dec. 21

We began writing the rough draft of the park report in class today and will continue doing so for the rest of the week. I will begin assigning parts of the final draft for homework beginning next week. I will send home information for the oral part of the report in a few days.

Thanks and have a good week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 123 (all) and 124 (choose 3)
Spelling: work on homework
News Team #3 - prepare for Friday
*Book Talk due on Wed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Today I handed out the information for our "Poetry Cafe" activity which is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8. Everyone brought home the guidelines and assignment sheet, so please go over them with your child. I stressed the idea of reading poems by different poets and choosing one that appeals to them the most. I'd really love for my students to discover a new poet and some new poetry that they find interesting and engaging.
We will be finishing our note-taking for the national park report tomorrow. I've reminded everyone to bring all their sources to class.
Thanks to everyone who is helping to put on our Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing you all.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Best regards,

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Crispin: Study vocabulary for tomorrow's test
Bring all your national park info to class
Show your parents the "Poetry Cafe" sheets
***Don't forget about our book talk on Wed., Dec. 1. Your written work for the "talk" is due that day as well.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today I sent home the assignment sheet for a "book talk" which we will hold in class on Wednesday, December 1. The kids will share their answers and insights about their books with each other in a small group setting. They will all be responsible for turning in the completed written portion of the assignment on that day as well.


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Finish spelling homework and study for test
News Teams #1&2: Prepare for tomorrow's presentations
*Begin studying Crispin vocabulary for Tuesday's test
***Remember to bring in information for your national park report!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review sheet
Language: Finish introductory phrases sheet
Social Studies: Study for tomorrow's test
***Remember to have your Crispin vocabulary list in class tomorrow. We will choose words for the final test on the book next Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 115 (all) and 116 (choose 3)or alternative worksheet
Social Studies: Study!
Bring in information for your national park report.
Continue with spelling and news team work.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tomorrow we will begin taking notes for the national park report. Please have your child bring in at least one source of information.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 111 (all) and 112 (choose 3)
Spelling: Work on homework (due on Friday)
Social Studies: Study for Thursday's test
News Teams #1 & 2: Prepare for Friday

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I sent home the guidelines for the national park report today. Please take a look at it with your child. We will be taking notes and writing the rough drafts of the report in class beginning next week. Final drafts will be completed as homework. I will keep you all updated as to deadlines for different parts of the report as we go along. The finished report is due Friday, December 17.

*Read for at least an hour each day. We will have a "book talk" in class in about 2 weeks. I will send home information regarding this next Monday.

*Begin researching information for your national park report. Bring in what you find next Monday.

Thanks and have a great extended weekend!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 108
Social Studies: Homework Book pgs. 47 and 49-53
Finish vocabulary sentences
Choose a national park if you have not already done so

Monday, November 8, 2010

Our trip to NASA was a huge success. The kids learned a lot and had a great time. Thanks so much for supporting these kinds of experiences.
Tomorrow I will be introducing our first research report of the year. The topic will be national parks, and we will be viewing possible choices during our computer lab time. I will send home a list of parks tomorrow and would like everyone to decide on one by next Monday. We will begin taking notes in class next week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 105 (odd #s) and 106 (Choose 3)
Language: Finish worksheet
Crispin: Choose 8 vocabulary words and use each in a good sentence

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Read: 30 min.; Bring in Book Log
Finish final draft of story

***Remember to bring lunch money for tomorrow's trip. See you all at 7:55!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We are set to go to NASA Ames this Friday. Please remember that we will be leaving promptly at 8:00, so please have your child here on time. Also, we will be stopping at In-N-Out Burger (only about 2 miles from NASA) on the way home for lunch. Lunches run between $6 to $8 on the higher end.
Thanks to my parent drivers - I'll see you first thing Friday morning!


Read: 30 min.; book logs due on Friday
Math: Review sheets

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello everyone,
First of all, I want to thank all parents who helped put on a wonderful Halloween party for my students last Friday. Thanks for providing great food, fun crafts, and a good time for all!
This Friday is our trip to NASA Ames. We will be leaving school right at 8:00 as it takes a while to get to Mountain View in morning traffic. We will also be stopping for lunch at In-N-Out Burgers on our way home. I'll be sending more information about this later this week.
We will have a science test this Wednesday. The kids completed a study guide for this test last Thursday.
Have a good week.
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: Worksheet
Space vocabulary: Write the definitions of the 12 words.
Science: Study for Wednesday's test

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Crispin: Read chapts. 20 -24; Answer questions
Math: HB pg. 91 (all) 92 (Choose 3)

***I've told everyone to be reading a book (fiction) for our next book report. I will hand out guidelines next week.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg.89
Science: Finish diagram and 5 facts; Finish study guide
News Team #4: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello everyone,
I sent home a list of room 14 families today. Many thanks to Stacey Ely for putting this together for us. I also sent home corrected work folders. Everyone got a yellow sheet this week, so please take a look and sign - Thanks!
Our museum exhibits are pretty awesome. Stop by if you can to take a look.
Have a great week.
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: Daily Routines Book - pg. 88 #19 & 20; pg. 89 Problem of the Day; pg. 90 #15 & 16;
pg. 92 #9-13
Language: Finish rough draft of story
News Team #4: Prepare for Thursday

Monday, October 25, 2010


Read: 30 min
Math: HB pg. 83 (all) and 84 (choose 3)
Science: Finish definitions of 12 vocabulary words
News Team #4: Prepare for Thursday

***Corrected work folders will go home tomorrow.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 81 (all) 82(choose 3)
Museum Project: All three pieces are due tomorrow. Be sure to use your checklist. We will assemble our exhibits in class.
News Teams #2 & 3: Prepare for tomorrow's presentations

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Read:30 min.
Math: HB pg 77
Social Studies: Study!
Museum Project: Keep working on final drafts of any section you need to finish. I will give you a final checklist tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review sheet
Social Studies: Study for Thursday's test (use your study guide)
Continue to work on your museum project: final drafts of writing, maps, charts, etc. (all sections are due on Friday)
News Teams #2 & 3: Prepare for Friday's presentations

Awesome poem presentations! Good job everyone!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello everyone,
It was great getting together with each one of you last week to discuss your child's progress. All your questions and insights were so helpful! Thank you again for all the support you give your children.
I also want to thank my families who gave money contributions to my classroom fund. I feel badly for getting my thank you notes out late (I didn't receive my list of donors until the week before conferences), and besides this, I just found out that a parent who did contribute was not noted on my list. Now I am concerned that other families may have been left off the list as well. I hope this isn't the case, but if it is, please know that I am very grateful for the money you have given me. I have already begun purchasing art and science supplies, books, and tech materials. It's really a treat to be able to get the materials I need to make my students' learning experiences more effective and enjoyable. So, thank you all so much!
Have a good week.

Best regards,

Mrs. Koue


Read:30 min.
Math: HB pg.73 (all) and 74(choose 3)
Language: Finish subject/verb agreement sheet
Be ready to recite your poem!

***All three pieces for your museum project are due this Friday.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 156 #28-37
Language: Practice Book pgs. 108, 109, 124, and 125

*Cell Project due tomorrow!

**Poem recitation - next Tuesday!

Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm looking forward to seeing you all at conferences this week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 63 (all) and 64 (choose 3)
Spelling: Begin homework (due Fri.)
News Team #1: Presentation due on Friday
***Cell Project due this Thursday!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I got quite a response to my request for drivers for our NASA trip next month. Thanks to all who volunteered! Unfortunately, only 9 parents can go into the Exploration Encounter facility - and I have 12 parents so far who would like to drive. I wish I could change this, but NASA is firm with this rule. Anyway, I'd like to offer a few options for you all to consider:
1. If you wouldn't mind not coming on this trip (there will be more in the future), please let me know.
2. If you would like to come but wouldn't mind dropping your group off and having a few hours to yourself, please let me know. We will probably be able to double up drivers, so this might work for parents who decide to come together.
3. If you have already been on this trip with an older child, the first two options might work for you as well.
I want you all to know that you are most welcome to come. I would love to have everyone there and am sorry I have to handle it this way.
Please let me know your thoughts by either sending a note in with your child or emailing me.
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math review sheet
Bridge to Terabithia: Finish journal entries and work on picture for cover of journal
Continue vocabulary homework and study for Friday
News Team #4: Prep for Friday

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hello everyone,
I sent home the permission slip for our field trip to NASA Ames today. Please take a look at it and let me know if you would like to drive. NASA allows only 10 adults (including me), so please sign up early to reserve your spot.
Corrected work folders went home today. This week I included yellow sheets only for students who are missing work.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 57 and review sheet
Language: Possessive nouns worksheet
Study vocabulary for Friday's test
News Team #4: Practice presentation for Friday

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 49 (all) and 50 (choose 3)
Language: Finish workbook pages 47-50 and 74,75,79
Vocabulary: Finish homework and study words

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 47 and worksheet
Book Report: Finish final drafts of all paragraphs, interview questions and cover. We will assemble your reports together in class tomorrow.
Vocabulary: Study the definitions of the 10 words for Friday's quiz

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I sent home conference confirmation slips today. Please sign and send back to school tomorrow.
My room mom, Stacey Ely, is putting together a class list for me. Many of you have given her your phone numbers and email addresses, but her list is not complete. I would love to have a complete list of my families and would appreciate you sending Stacey your info (which will be only for classroom use). Her email address is



Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 45
Book Report: Final draft of character traits paragraphs
Language: Finish essay planner.
***Bring signed in conference confirmation slips

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello everyone,
I have put together the schedule for my parent/teacher conferences and will be sending home confirmations tomorrow.
The book report is due this Thursday. I sent home a check list for the final draft of the report. Please review this with your child.
The internet is out in my classroom - I'm borrowing a fellow teacher's computer, so I have to be a bit brief. Technology can be so frustrating at times!


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 43
Vocabulary: Write the meanings of the 10 vocabulary words - We will go over them tomorrow. The rest of the homework is due on Friday.
Book Report: Final draft of summary paragraph

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Read: 30 min. *Bring in blue book log to be checked.
Math: review
Spelling: Finish homework and study
Finish explorer booklet
News Team #3: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reminder: Picture day is tomorrow! Please bring your picture order form to school.


Read: 30 min. *Bring book report book to class.
Math: Textbook pg. 90 #3-20
Exploration Booklet: Continue to work on this. You should have at least 4 pages completed by tomorrow. Your entire booklet is due this Friday.
Science: Study for tomorrow's test

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I sent home a parent/teacher conference time request form today, as teachers have been asked to schedule their conferences this year. Some of you have already signed up at Back to School Night, and I have reserved these spots. If you still need to schedule a time, please fill in the green sheet and send it back tomorrow. I will do my best to make it all work for everyone!
I also sent home the guidelines for our book report today. We went over it in class and will begin writing rough drafts tomorrow. My goal is to have the three rough draft paragraphs completed by Friday. Final drafts will be assigned for homework next week. The report is due next Thursday, 9/30.


Read: 30 min. *Remember to bring book report book to class!
Math: HB pg. 39(all) and 40 (choose 3)
Exploration Booklet: Continue to work on this. You should have at least 3 completed pages. The completed booklet, including the cover, is due this Friday.
Science: Study

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hello everyone,
It was great meeting with all of you last Thursday evening. Thank you for your warm reception and for the support you give your children.
We will begin writing the rough drafts of our first book report tomorrow and will continue throughout the week. Please remind your child to bring her/his book to class.
Tomorrow I will be sending home information regarding parent/teacher conferences for parents who were unable to attend Back to School Night. I have many time slots still available for the week of Oct. 11 and will give you these options.
Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg.35 (#1-4 and 10-12) and pg. 37 (all)
Spelling: Begin homework (due on Fri.)
Science: Study for Thursday's test (use study guide)
News Team #3: Begin preparing for Friday's presentation
***Remember to bring book for your book report to class tomorrow!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review sheet
Spelling: Finish homework and study
Social Studies: Finish 2nd page of exploration booklet
News Team #2: Practice for tomorrow's presentation

*Parents, see you all tonight - 7:15 in room 14!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
Language: Finish "Writing Good Sentences"
Social Studies: Study for tomorrow's test
*Bring back signed AR goal sheet

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I sent home the guidelines for an early explorer booklet we are working on in class. Beginning today, I will be assigning the final drafts of each part as homework. Please review the guidelines for this assignment with your child.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Daily Routines book pg. 32 and 34
Explorer booklet: Complete first page
SS: Study for test
Continue spelling homework

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hello everyone,
We had our first news team "broadcast' last Friday, and it was a huge success! I was so impressed with the quality of the presentations, particularly as these students were the first to perform. Our news team activity is a great way to keep up on current events and to practice our listening and speaking skills - and have some fun in the process! I used to have the Santa Cruz Sentinel delivered twice a week to the school, but it looks like this service may have been discontinued. I've left messages with the Sentinel, but have not heard back from anyone yet. Anyway, I thought I would ask families for previously read papers (particularly Sat., Sun. and Mon.)so I can have enough for my students to work with on Monday mornings when they choose their articles. This would be a big help - thanks!
Our first social studies test is scheduled for this Thursday. Your child is bringing home a completed study guide today and should review it each night for homework.
I've been getting questions regarding our first book report. I will hand out the guidelines for the report next week. Everyone will write the rough drafts in class and will then complete the final drafts at home. The finished report will be due on Sept. 30.
I look forward to meeting you all this Thursday evening at Back-To-School Night.
Have a good week.
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 29 (all) and pg. 30 (choose 3)
Spelling: Begin homework (due on Friday)
Social Studies: Study for Thursday's test
News Team #2: Begin preparing for Friday's presentation
***Remember to return your corrected work folder and signed yellow sheet tomorrow.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 28 (choose 3) and worksheet
Social Studies: Finish workbook pgs. 25-31 if necessary
Finish poem
News Team #1: Practice presentation for tomorrow

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 25
Language: Final draft of "Storm Chaser" paragraphs
Work on poem if necessary (due on Friday)
News Team #1: Continue to work on presentation

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I sent home the corrected work folders today. Please review and sign the yellow half sheet and have your child bring it and the folder back to class tomorrow.


Read: 30 min.
Math review
News Team #1: Begin preparing for Friday's presentation

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: review sheet
Spelling: Finish homework and study words for test

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I just realized yesterday afternoon that I hadn't sent home the two volunteer information sheets yet - with all the papers that go home at the start of the year, I missed these two! Please take a look at them and send them back by Friday if possible. Thanks.
I've been asked about what I need for my classroom. I always appreciate contributions to my classroom account or gift certificates, especially to Palace Arts, Kaleidoscope and Staples as I purchase lots of art and science supplies, basic classroom supplies, books and technology items throughout the year. I will also be setting up a "wish list" with Amazon and will give you the link for this soon.
Thank you for all your support. Your children are terrific - I'm so lucky to have this group!
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 17 (all) and 18 (choose 3)
Language: Finish final draft of news story and picture if necessary
Continue to work on spelling homework

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 15 (all) and pg. 16 (choose 3)
Language: Finish worksheet
Spelling: Work on homework (due Fri.)

Monday, August 30, 2010

I sent two forms today, the Rio del Mar Values packet and our P.E. rules and requirements sheet. Please sign each and return to school. Thanks.
I've told my students that they should be reading a chapter book (fiction, over 100 pages) for our first book report which will be due at the end of September. I will be assigning the report in about three weeks, and we will begin working on it in class then.
Beginning next week, I will be sending home graded work in a folder I will provide for each student. In this folder I will include a yellow half sheet which will let you know if your child has turned in all required assignments or if anything is missing. Please sign this sheet and send it back along with the folder the following day.
Everyone is settling in well - great behavior and wonderful attitudes!
Have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 13
Spelling: Begin homework (all work due on Friday)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Read: 30 minutes
Math: HB pg. 9 (all) and pg. 10 (choose 3)
Language: Finish news story worksheet
*Please bring in your emergency form and computer use agreement if you haven't already done so.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Read: 30 min. *Remember to keep your book log in your binder or folder and record each book as you finish reading it. I will ask to see your log in about a month.
Vocabulary: Use each word in a good sentence
Math: HB pg. 5 (all) and 6 (choose 3)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We had another great day and everyone is settling in well. Thanks for returning the school forms so quickly.
I sent home our first Scholastic Books order form today. I'm encouraging everyone to purchase books as Scholastic is very generous with giving free books and bonus points with its first-of-the-year orders. I'd love the opportunity to receive free books for my classroom library! You may have your child bring the book order to class, or you may order online. If you choose the online option, please enter the Parent Code: GNZFR and proceed from there.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book (HB) pg. 3; practice multiplication facts (ones missed on today's quiz)

Monday, August 23, 2010

We had a terrific first day - it just flew by! I have a wonderful group of students, all very respectful and motivated. I am looking forward to a great year with them!
I plan to update my blog each day with information regarding homework, projects and important school news, so please check it regularly. Your child will also be recording homework assignments in his/her planner. Unless otherwise noted, homework is due the following day.
I sent home some important papers today, including the district's computer policy form and your child's emergency card. Please fill out and sign both of these and return them to school this week. Thanks so much.
Best regards,
Mrs. Koue


"Got Goals?" sheet

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome to 5th Grade!

Hello and welcome back!
I hope you all enjoyed a happy and restful summer. I'm excited to be starting a new school year and can't wait to meet my new students.

Here is a list of the supplies I would like my students to have by next week:

*low odor dry erase markers and sock
*one small three-ring binder
*binder paper
*two spiral notebooks - single subject/wide ruled
*two twin pocket folders (paper ones are fine)
*several #2 pencils
*set of colored pencils
*personal pencil sharpener
*two of each - blue and red ball point pens
*small scissors
*American Heritage or other college level paperback dictionary
*a chapter book for silent reading time

Once school begins, I will post a blog each day, keeping everyone updated on homework assignments and important events.

Thanks and enjoy your last few days of summer!

Mrs. Koue

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One more reminder!
For tomorrow:
Bring a bag lunch or money for food -or both!
Wear sunscreen.
***Don't forget your pass if you have one!
Drivers, please come to class at 10:15. We will leave by 10:30.
***We will return at 3:30!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Well, the final days are upon us! Today was a whirlwind of cleaning desks, signing yearbooks and rehearsing our play. We will have two performances tomorrow - at 8:20 and 9:20. We will have our final performance on Thursday at 8:30. Please come if you can.
We will be leaving for the Boardwalk at 10:30 on Thursday morning and will return at 3:30. Please be sure to make arrangements to pick up your child.

A final note - I want to thank all of you again for your great support throughout this year. You have wonderful children, and it's been my pleasure working with them. I've seen terrific growth and feel confident that they are ready to take on 6th grade!
Have a fantastic summer. We all deserve a little rest and a lot of fun!

Wishing you all the best,
Mrs. Koue

Keep practicing your lines!

**Please bring a paper shopping bag tomorrow.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Remember to practice your lines for the play! I'd love for all my cast members to have their lines memorized by Tuesday. We will have two performances on Wednesday morning at 8:20 and 9:20.
Parents, please join us if you can.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Koue

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our heritage feast was fantastic! Thanks so much to all families who prepared and shared your wonderful recipes. Everything was delicious.
The only homework for tonight is to read and practice lines for our play.
Have a nice evening!

***I will begin calling to confirm our drivers for our Boardwalk trip tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Read: 30 min. ***Last day to take an AR test is this Friday!
Write a paragraph about your "heritage" dish (even if you are not bringing one in) explaining why it is a family favorite.
Finish map worksheets - "The West" and "Yosemite" - if necessary.

Please bring in food for our feast anytime tomorrow morning, from early morning to lunchtime. Stay to eat if you can!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Homework will be light this week. I would like everyone to memorize their lines for our play and finish up a few activities.
We are all excited about our heritage feast coming up this Wed. at noon. Parents, please feel free to join us - and thanks for all your help!


Read: 30 min.
Finish United States map
Practice lines for play. We will perform next Wed., 6/2. Performance times coming soon.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I hope everyone got the news about our heritage feast planned for next Wednesday,the 26th, at lunchtime. Please remember to not send in a dish containing fish or peanuts.
Thank you!


Read: 30 min.
Math review

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Read:30 min.
Study for science test
Math review
Begin memorizing your lines for our play

***Don't forget to join your friends at "Movie Night" here at school on this Friday. The fun starts at 6:00.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It looks like I'm going to have to postpone our heritage feast until next week. I found out today that several students will not be here at lunchtime on Friday, and I would really like everyone to participate. I've rescheduled for next Wednesday (5/26). I hope this will work for everyone. I will send home an updated information sheet tomorrow.

Thank you.


Read: 30 min.
Math review (final test on Friday)
Study for science test (Thursday)

Monday, May 17, 2010

It was great seeing you all last Thursday at Open House. Your children have done wonderful work, and it was fun for me to watch them explaining their projects to their parents and friends.
I've really been enjoying reading their heritage reports (I will give them back next Mon.) and appreciate all the effort each family put into the project. Hopefully this report will become an important keepsake to be shared with future generations!
We've talked in class about having a "heritage feast" this Friday which would feature favorite family recipes from our class members. I know this is a busy time of year, and I don't want this to be a huge undertaking for anyone. A simple, easy to make dish would be great! I'll send home more detailed information tomorrow.


Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Begin studying for Thursday's science test

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


*The heritage report is due tomorrow.
*Only students with late or missing work received yellow sheets this week.

***I look forward to seeing everyone at Open House on Thursday!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Finish final drafts of poems (minimum of six).
Continue to work on the heritage report.

Corrected work folders will go home tomorrow.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Heritage report: Continue writing final draft paragraphs - 2 to 3
Finish journal entries if necessary. Bring completed written part of journal (10 entries) to class tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Keep working on the heritage report! Remember to write 2-3 paragraphs each night this week. Thanks!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

We've begun testing which will last all this week. I really appreciate everyone's good effort and serious attitude toward this task.
Please remember to send in your child's permission slip and money for our Boardwalk trip by this Wednesday. I need to send in our payment soon so we can get the discounted rate and receive the passes on time.


Keep working on the heritage report. Write one or two paragraphs per night this week.
*** I will go over how to do the cover and title page tomorrow and will hand out paper for these parts.

Friday, April 30, 2010

To all my studious students,
A quick reminder - testing will begin on Monday. Be sure to get to bed at a reasonable time Sunday night!
Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Koue

Thursday, April 29, 2010

We will begin testing in our class next Monday and will continue through the week. As you have all heard before, it is important for your child to get a good night's rest and a nutritious breakfast during this time. For my part, I will not assign any homework other than small parts of the heritage report each night.
Thanks so much for your support. Your children are doing wonderful work!


Math sheet
Finish the four inside pages of the book report (pictures and writing)
Write the final draft of one more paragraph of your heritage report
News Team #4

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I sent home a "final tips" sheet and a "checklist" for the final draft of the heritage report today - these should be in their report folders. Please review these with your child as they give important information regarding how the final draft of the report should be completed. Starting today, I will assign parts of the final draft each night. Because everyone has a slightly different history, it's hard for me to say exactly how much to complete each time, but I feel at least 2 paragraphs is a good goal.


Math: Review problems
Heritage Report: Final draft of introduction and first paragraph or two of the body of the report (Remember to bring report folder back to class each day so you can continue working on the rough draft.)
Social Studies: Study for tomorrow's test
Continue to work on book report pages (due on Friday)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We've been working on the book reports in class for a few weeks now and they are looking great. The completed report is due this Friday. This means that your child may have to bring home a page or two during the week to finish pictures.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review problems
Finish final draft of persuasive essay
Study for SS test (Thurs.)
Work on book report pictures

Monday, April 26, 2010

We got a good start on the heritage reports last week and will continue to work on them in class this week. Beginning on Wednesday, I will assign short sections of the final draft each night. I'm encouraging my students to stick to the schedule to avoid any last minute stress!
I sent home raffle tickets for the golf tournament. Please check them out and return by May 3.


Read: 30 min.
Math: test review sheet
Language: Editing sheet; work on final draft of persuasive essay (due on Wed.)
Social Studies: Study for Thursday's test (use study guide)
News Team #4 (Friday)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 622 #6-16
SS: Homework Book pg. 106 and 107 (use your text)
Continue to memorize the Preamble (We will be reciting it at our Monday morning assembly next week!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Memorize the Preamble!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I sent home the permission slips and information for the 5th grade trip to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk on June 3. All parents are welcome to join us!
We talked about the organization of the heritage report today and will begin writing the rough draft tomorrow in class. We will continue to work on this each day, and beginning next Wednesday (4/28) I will be assigning parts of the final draft to be completed as homework. Please review the guidelines with your child (yellow half sheet). The final report is due on Wednesday, May 12.



Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 620 #4-10 and 621 #1-4
SS: Finish pg. 103 in homework book; continue to memorize the Preamble
Finish rough draft of persuasive essay and "self-edit" in red ink (use editing sheet)

Monday, April 19, 2010

I will send home work folders tomorrow. Inside will be information about the 5th grade Beach Boardwalk trip and the requirements for the heritage report.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Practice sheet
SS: Homework and Practice Book #101 and 102 - also begin memorizing the Preamble to the Constitution on pg. R45 in your text
*Bring in notes for your heritage report

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook - page 600 #3-13 and 601 #1-5
Finish conservation booklet page
News Team #3: Be ready to present tomorrow

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I hope everyone has been successful in obtaining information for the upcoming heritage report. Many of my students have been sharing stories about "famous" ancestors already! We will begin the rough draft of the report next Monday - I hope this extra time to gather a few more facts will be welcomed. I will send home complete report guidelines and expectations next Monday as well. I plan on working on the rough draft of the report in class for about a week and a half and then begin assigning parts of the final draft each day to be completed at home. The entire report will be due Wednesday, May 12.


Read: 30 min.
Finish and edit "Resolution" paragraph of book report
Math: HB pg. 245 (all) & 246 (#1) and review sheet (10 problems)
*Finish conservation booklet page by Friday

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Book Report: Finish and carefully edit "rising action" paragraph
Math: HB pg. 243 and review problems
Vocabulary: Add the 3 new words to this week's list and write their definitions

Monday, April 12, 2010


Read: 30 min. (Remember to bring your book report book to class tomorrow)
Vocabulary: Look up definitions of the 5 words
Math: HB pg. 241 and 242
Finish persuasive essay outline sheet
News Team #3: Begin preparing for Friday's presentation

***I'll send home corrected work folders home later this week.
Sorry that I haven't included a Monday message, but I need to attend a meeting this afternoon.
Have a good week!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Book report: edit "problem paragraph"
My Brother Sam: Study vocabulary
***Don't forget about collecting information for your heritage report. We will begin writing this on the Wednesday after we return from the break.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I didn't send home missing work sheets today. Please look over your child's corrected work - thanks.


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Finish Revolution ABC page
Study Sam vocabulary (remember you will be responsible for using 5 words in a good sentence each)
Persuasive essay - prep sheet

Monday, March 29, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB 237 and review
My Brother Sam... vocabulary: Begin studying list of 15 words for Thursday's test
***Bring book report book to class tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 235 (all)
Study for social studies test
Finish spelling homework and study
News Team #2

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We will begin working on a book report project in class this week. I've sent home a note sheet on which the kids can write down the main elements of the books they've chosen for the report. They need to bring this sheet as well as the book to class tomorrow.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 229 (all) and 230 (choose 3)
Study for social studies test
Complete note sheet for book report and bring book to class

Monday, March 22, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 225
Spelling: Begin homework
Study for social studies test (Friday)
News Team #2 (Friday)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Finish spelling homework and study
Finish "western territory" paragraph (carefully edited)
News Team #1

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I sent home information regarding the heritage report today. Please review it with your child. We brainstormed some possible interview questions in class - these should be on the back of the info sheet!


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Continue spelling homework
Be ready to recite poem

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I will be sending home the guidelines for the heritage report tomorrow. For this report the students trace their family histories through written sources and interviews with family members, collecting information which they will use in their reports. We've already begun discussing the report and the kids are excited to learn about "where they come from." I would like them to do the research over the next month and have their information ready for the report by the week of April 12. Thanks.
We will also be beginning our book reports in class this week (Thursday)so please remind your child to bring his/her book to class.
Have a good week!

Mrs. Koue

Read: My Brother Sam is Dead - Chapt. 7 and answer the 3 questions
Math: HB pg. 221 (all) and pg. 222 (Choose 2)
Memorize poem (Thurs.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our day in court was a great success! Everyone behaved and performed excellently. Thanks again to all parents who drove and attended.


Read: 30 min.
Study for tomorrow's science test
...and that's it!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

***Field trip reminder!***
We will leave the school tomorrow morning at 10:15 and will begin our tour of the courthouse at 11:00. The play begins at 12:00 in Judge Denine Guy's courtroom and will last for about an hour. I plan on being back to school by 1:30. Please have your child bring a bag lunch.
I sent home confirmation slips to all parents who offered to drive. Thanks again and see you tomorrow at 10:15.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 213 (all) and 214 (choose 3)
Social Studies: Homework Book pgs. 92 and 93
Study for science test

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 509 #3-13 and pg. 510 #22 & 25-29
Study for science test this Friday

Monday, March 8, 2010

Today marks the beginning of the third trimester - the final stretch is here!
I've told everyone that I will no longer be accepting late homework. I will accept late projects but will mark these down 10% each day they are late. I will certainly continue to take notes from parents asking for extensions if any unexpected happens that prevents their child from completing work on time. We are preparing for 6th grade and this is something 6th grade teachers support. Thanks for your help.
Our trip to the Watsonville Courthouse is this Thursday. I will be contacting parents who have volunteered to drive later this afternoon.
I will be assigning our next book report next week. I know I'm behind schedule with this, but we've been so busy with other projects, I've held this one up a bit. I've told the kids they can choose a book they are reading now or one they have recently finished. Most of this report will be done in class.

Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 211
5 vocabulary words: definition, part of speech and sentence
Begin studying for science (weather) test on Friday

Thursday, March 4, 2010

To celebrate the end of the second trimester homework will be very light tonight!
*Know the definitions of the 10 law terms.
*News Team #4 be ready to go.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Finish final draft of story
*law vocabulary and News Team 4 for Friday

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish review
Work on final draft of story (due on Thursday)
Law vocabulary - know meanings for Friday

Monday, March 1, 2010

The symphony trip was great - all went smoothly and the kids really enjoyed the music and the special performances. Thank you again to all parents who drove.
*Please remember to send in permission slips for our law field trip on March 11.
Have a good week!


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 209
Social Studies: Finish questions 1-3 on pg.372 in textbook; do pgs. 89-91 in homework book.
News Team #4: Prepare for Friday

Friday, February 26, 2010

Please have your child bring a bag lunch on Monday. We will meet at 10:15 in class to assemble for the trip to the Civic Auditorium.
Stay dry and have a good weekend!

Mrs. Koue

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I sent home the Elementary Law permissions slips today. This afternoon I will be calling to confirm my drivers for Monday's trip to the Civic. Thanks again.


Read:30 min; bring in Book Log
Math: HB pg. 203 - all and 204 - choose 3
Finish colonial newspaper
Study for spelling test (spelling and meaning)
News Team #3: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 201 (all) pg. 203 (choose 3)
Finish rough draft of story
Work on colonial newspaper - due on Friday

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Read: 30 min. (bring book log in this Friday)
Math: Textbook - pg. 468 #4-7; pg. 469 #1-4
Finish Sign of the Beaver packet if necessary
Weather Project due tomorrow

Monday, February 22, 2010

Please remember to send in your child's permission slip for the symphony trip next week. I still need at least 2 more drivers for this trip. Again, I'm sorry that most parents won't be able to join us inside the Civic. I hope you won't mind walking downtown and enjoying some free time!
We have one more field trip coming up. We will be going to the Watsonville Court House for our Elementary Law program on Thursday, March 11. I apologize for the "cluster" of trips over these few weeks, but I feel every one is valuable and I had to take the dates I could get. Thanks for understanding and for your help driving. The Elementary Law trip is a great one and I encourage all parents to attend if possible. I will send home the permission slips for this tomorrow.
Thanks and have a good week.

*Overview for the week:
Weather project due on Wednesday
Rough draft of survival story due on Thursday
Colonial newspaper due on Friday

Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 191 and 195
Sign of the Beaver vocabulary (10 words) test tomorrow.
Spelling: Symphony words - know spelling and meaning by Friday
News Team # 3

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Read: 30 min
Math review sheet
Study for social studies test
Begin studying 10 vocabulary words for Sign of the Beaver final test next Tuesday

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Please sign and send in permission slip for the SC Symphony field trip - March 1.

Weather Project - including written description - due next Wednesday, Feb. 23.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
Language: Preposition worksheet
SS: Study for Friday's test

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. Our Life Lab field trip last Friday was great. We had lots of fun harvesting vegetables and making soup - as well as learning about good nutrition.
I will be sending home the corrected work folders tomorrow. Please look for the permission slip for the Santa Cruz Symphony field trip scheduled for Monday, March 1, at the Civic Auditorium which all 4th and 5th graders will attend. We tried to get buses for the trip but found out this would cost too much, requiring about $7.00 per student. Instead we are asking parents to drive. The catch is that only one parent per class can join us in the auditorium for the one hour performance. We are hoping that most parents wouldn't mind spending that hour downtown and meeting up with the class after the concert. Thanks for considering this.
Have a good week!


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 185 all; pg. 186 choose 3.
Colonial newspaper: Finish and edit opinion piece
Begin studying for social studies test this Friday (use study guide)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Remember to wear a warm jacket and to bring a lunch (preferably in a reusable container) tomorrow for our field trip.


Read: Sign of the Beaver - Chapters 18 & 19 and answer the 5 accompanying questions.
Math: HB pages 175 & 178 (or challenge sheet)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Valentine Breakfast was wonderful! Great organization and yummy food. Thanks so much to all my parents who helped make it such a special occasion.
***A reminder to field trip drivers: Please turn in your updated insurance information to the school office. Thank you!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook - pg. 413 #1-4 (or Challenge on pg.415)and pg. 414 #24-30.
Reading Practice Book: pg. 231
Write down some possible topics for survival story

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We have a short but busy week ahead! First thing tomorrow is our Valentine Breakfast. Please remember to have your child bring in $5.00 for the event if she/he hasn't already done so. Thanks - and thanks to all parents who have volunteered to help with this event. We fifth grade teachers really appreciate your hard work!
Also on the agenda this week is our trip to UCSC on Friday. Everyone will have to bring a sack lunch - preferably in a reusable lunch box as we will have to pack our trash out with us. This is a very ecologically focused trip!
We will begin our study of weather in science later this week, and today I handed out a weather station project packet. Please review this with your child. I told the kids to choose one station to build - one that interests them and is feasible to make. The project along with the written report (accompanying handout) is due Wed. 2/24.
I've told everyone that a book report is forthcoming and that they should be reading a chapter book of at least a fifth grade level. I will be discussing the guidelines for the report with them next week.
Have a great week!

Mrs. Koue

P.S. If your child turned in all work last week and grades were satisfactory, I did not send home a yellow sheet this week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 165
Sign of the Beaver: Look up and write the definitions of the 5 vocabulary words
Finish second news story for colonial newspaper (carefully edited!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Read: 30 min. *Good job everyone with our first "Book Talk" today!
Math: Review
Finish spelling homework and study
News Team #2

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thanks to all who have sent in $5.00 for next week's Valentine's Day Breakfast. If you haven't already paid, please do so by this Friday. Food for the event will be purchased beginning this weekend. Thanks!


Read: 30 min.
"Book Talk" sheet - Come prepared to talk about the book you are reading.
Math: HB pg. 163 all; pg. 164 choose 3
Study for tomorrow's science test

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 162
SS: article for colonial newspaper
Study for science test
Continue spelling and news team work

Monday, February 1, 2010

We will have our annual 5th grade Valentine's Day breakfast on Wednesday, 2/11 at 8:00 in the MPR. Info on this event is in your child's folder. Please check it out and see if you might be able to help. Thanks! This breakfast will take the place of a Valentine party in our class.
Thanks for returning the permission slips for our upcoming field trip to UCSC. Mr. Kitch's class went last Friday and I heard it was quite a success. I will be contacting parent drivers soon.
Have a good week.



Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 157 all; pg. 158 choose 3
Spelling/Vocabulary: Begin homework (due on Fri.)
Science: Begin studying for test on Thurs.
Finish "Picture This"
News Team #2: Begin preparing for Friday's presentation

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Read: 30 min.
Math: HB 148 #1-6
Map quiz
Finish spelling homework and study for test

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Read: 30 min
Math: review sheet
Language: Finish "Sensational Sentences"
Study vocabulary

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Please remember to send in permission slips for our UCSC field trip on 2/12. The cost for each student is $5.00 (please pay cash or make checks out to me as I am directly paying the school). Thank you!

Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 137 - odd #s only; pg. 138 - 3 problems of your choice.
Language: Adverb sheet
Study the 5 vocabulary words (Sign of the Beaver) for Thurs.
Study map

Monday, January 25, 2010

Please check for some important papers in your child's work folder today. One is the permission slip for our upcoming field trip to UCSC. Another is an information sheet on our school-wide phone messaging system. Also, I made a copy of the thank you note that Jacob's Heart sent us last week. Thanks for your kind support of this organization.
* This week I sent home yellow half sheets only to students who are missing work.
Have a good weekend.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book page. I don't recall the # (I'm writing this from home), but it should be in planners.
Spelling" Begin homework.
Geography: Begin studying Middle West States and capitols - use completed map.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
SS: Homework Book - #78-79

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB - finish pg. 115; pg. 117 #1-8
Language: Final draft of James Forten dialogue

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello and welcome back! It was great to see everyone today. We had fun sharing our "break" experiences and talking about what we will be doing in class over the next few months. We also discussed how important it will be for them to stay focused and strive to do their best as they head toward 6th grade!
I sent home the January Scholastic Book order form today. I've encouraged everyone to order books if possible. This month the club is offering up to 5000 bonus points which I can use to purchase student book sets - so not only will your child have new books to read, I will be able to build our classroom library as well! I've set up an account for my class if you would like to order online. The user name is rio14 and the password is scholastic. Using this user name and password will give our class points. Thanks.
A quick reminder: Please be sure that your child has basic classroom supplies (binder paper, pencils, pencil sharpener, colored pencils and pens).

Thank you all again for your support. You have wonderful children and I feel very blessed to be working with them.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book - pg. 112 all; pg. 115 #1-9
Social Studies: Homework Book - finish pgs. 68,69,&70