Thursday, March 30, 2017


Read: 30 min.  Remember to bring your book report book to class.
Science:  Finish answering the questions in your science workbook. Pages: 52-55, 58-61, and 64-65.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I sent home the permission slips for our Elementary Law field trip today.  The trip is scheduled for Thursday, April 28, at the Watsonville Superior Courthouse.  Everyone is welcome to come and watch our "cookie" play!


Read: 30 min.  Remember to bring the book you've chosen for your book report tomorrow.
Vocabulary:  Study for tomorrow's test.
Survival Story: Finish rough draft.
*Bring in your signed AR goal sheet.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Math: Student Book - page 208. You can refer to pg. 206 for help.
Social Studies: ABC page is due tomorrow.
Vocabulary test: Thursday.
Survival Story: Your rough draft is due on Thursday.  We will self and peer edit in class.

Monday, March 27, 2017

  I sent home the guidelines for the heritage report today. For this report the students trace their family histories through written sources and interviews with family members, collecting information which they will use in their reports.  We composed some possible interview questions on the back of the guideline sheet - these are general and can, of course, be modified to suit everyone's individual needs.  I will begin the rough draft of the report with them after the spring break. 

I sent home corrected work today. 


Read: 30 min.
My Brother Sam:  Read pages 171-181.
Revolutionary War ABC page: due on Wednesday.
Vocabulary test: Thursday.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Read: 30 min. or more.  Remember that we will begin the book report next week in class.
Math: Look over the math review we did today.
News Team #2: Prepare for tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Math: HC - pages 109 and 110.
News Team #2: Prepare for Friday.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Study for tomorrow's social studies test!

Monday, March 20, 2017

I want to thank all my students and their parents for making my birthday very special today.  I enjoyed a yummy lunch, loved the beautiful flowers, and am looking forward to a shopping excursion to Nordstrom.  You all have spoiled me and I am truly grateful!


Read: 30 min.  Remember that we will be starting a book report in class next week.  You don't have to have your entire book read, but you should complete it by the end of Spring Break.
Math:  HC - pg. 108, problem #2.
Social Studies:  Study for Wednesday's test.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Along with other members of our staff, I will be attending the CUE (tech) Conference in Palm Springs for the next few days.  Emily Ray Ray, my sub, will be holding down the fort.  Below, I am posting homework for both Wednesday and Thursday.  Thanks.

Read: 30 min.
Math: HC - page 105
Vocabulary: Homework due on Friday.
***Finish your social studies Chapter 9 study guide and begin studying for next Wednesday's test.

Read: 30 min.
Math: HC - pg. 109, problems 3 and 4.
Vocabulary: Due tomorrow.
***Social Studies test: Wed., 4/22.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Thanks so much to all parents who sent in a pie today - they made our learning about pi much sweeter!

I told the kids that we will be starting the 3rd trimester book report in about 2 weeks and that they should be reading a book of fiction. This report will be done mostly in class and I will go through it step-by-step with them. We will only be doing a small portion before the spring break, so if your child is just beginning a book, she/he will have time to finish over the following few weeks. 

I sent home a few final (for the 2nd trimester) corrected assignments home today.  Report cards go home this Friday.


Read: 30 min. or more.  This is a good time to get a little more reading in as you don't have much homework tonight!
Vocabulary: Friday

Monday, March 13, 2017

Tomorrow is an all-school "pi" day where all grade levels will participate in various pi activities.  We will be exploring what pi is and how to apply the concept in math problems.  We also thought it would be fun to include some actual pies in our "study." So...anyone who would like to bring in a pie (any flavor) is most welcome to do so!  I know this is last minute, and I apologize for this, but we just came up with this tasty idea today.  No obligation!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Student Book - page 187.
Vocabulary: Homework is due on Friday.

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Language: Complete Survival Story topic sheet.
Map Test: Study for tomorrow's test.
Vocabulary: Finish homework.
News Team #1: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Read: 30 min.
My Brother Sam is Dead: Read Ch. 3 and answer the questions on the half sheet.
Vocabulary: Friday
Map test: Friday
News Team #1: Friday

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Vocabulary: Friday
Map Test: Friday
News Team #1: Prepare for Friday's presentation.

Monday, March 6, 2017


National Park Travel Guide: Your completed report is due tomorrow.  Remember to not staple your pages together. 
Middle West Map: Finish labeling and coloring map - I will check this tomorrow.  The map test will be on Friday.
Vocabulary: Homework is due on Friday.
News Team #1: Friday.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Math: Multiplying Fractions half sheet
Park Guide: Final draft of "Interesting Facts" paragraphs.  I forgot to add the "Conclusion" to the order of pages sheet.  This paragraph can go before your glossary, at the end of your written information.  All final draft pages are due next Tuesday, March 7.

National Park Travel Guide - Order of Pages

Title Page
Table of Contents
Park History
Plant Life
Places of Interest
Other Interesting Facts
Conservation Efforts (optional)

*Your map and graph/chart/diagram may be placed wherever you want.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I sent home corrected work today along with a few other important papers.  Please look for your child's permission slip to take the Health Kids Survey.  This consent form is required for our 5th grade students to take the survey.  Thank you!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review half sheet
Park Guide: Final draft of "Activities" paragraph. Also, continue to work on your cover and/or map if you need to.