Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thank you to all who have sent back the signed progress report note. Several students still need to turn this form in. I'd really appreciate having them all by tomorrow. Thanks!


Read: Sign of the Beaver - Chapt. 10
Math: pg. 163 (all) 164 (choose 3)
Vocabulary and News Team #3 due on Fri.

*Weather Station Project due: 2/9
**Book Report due: 2/15

Read: Freak - Chapt. 15
Math: pg. 129 #1-5
Science Project and speech due tomorrow

Monday, January 30, 2012

This is a big week for my 6th graders as science fair projects and speeches are due. The science fair projects will be judged this Thursday and all are welcomed to view the projects Thursday evening from 5:30 to 7:00. Please come!
***We still need parent volunteers to judge the projects, so please let me know if you can do so.

My 5th graders will be going to UCSC for the Life Lab field trip this Friday. Thank you to all parents who have offered to drive. We will leave school at 9:15 on Friday morning and will return by 1:30.

Also, the annual 5th Grade Valentine's Day Breakfast will be held on Feb. 14 in the MPR. The 5th grade teachers are holding a short meeting this Wed. afternoon at 1:00 in my classroom to discuss and plan. If you are interested in helping us organize this event, please attend. Thank you!


Read: 30 min.
Math: 161 (all) 162 (choose 3)
Vocabulary: Homework due on Fri.
News Team #3: Prepare for Fri.

Science Project and speech due no later than Wed.(You may turn in your report and give your speech tomorrow if you like.)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I had planned to send home 2nd trimester progress reports today but ran into a couple of glitches when I tried to print them. I've solved the problem this afternoon and will pass them out tomorrow. Please sign the accompanying yellow sheet and send it back with your child early next week.



Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. 159 (all) 160 (choose 3)
Finish vocabulary homework.
***I sent home the requirements for the science weather station project. Please choose one weather station you would like to build. The project, along with the short written report, is due on Thurs., 2/9.

Read: Freak the Mighty - Chapt. 9
Math: pg. 123 #1-3
Finish vocabulary homework.
Finish Ancient Greece map.
News Team #1: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Read: 30 min.
Math: Charts and Graphs packet
Language: Final draft of "feeling" paragraph(s)

Math: pg. 121 #1-7, 10-12
Language: Final draft of "feeling" paragraph(s)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Read: Sign of the Beaver - Chapter 3; answer questions.
Language: Finish "Showing, Not Telling" sheet.
No math tonight!

Math: pg.119 #1-6
Language: Finish "Showing, Not Telling" sheet.
Work on vocabulary and map for Friday.

Monday, January 23, 2012

I sent home corrected work today along with the yearbook order form. Later this week, on Thursday, I will be sending out second trimester progress reports.

I went over the non-fiction book report guidelines today. This report will be completed at home and is due on Wed., 2/15. Please review the requirements for the report with your child. Thanks.


Math: pg. 147 (all)
Vocabulary: Homework is due on Fri.
Book Report: due on 2/15
***Remember to turn in your permission slip and $5 for the UCSC field trip!

Math: pg. 117 #1-6
Science project: finish rough draft of report
Vocabulary: due on Fri.
Ancient Greece map: due on Fri.
News Team #1: Prepare for Friday's presentation.
Book Report: due on 2/15

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I sent home permission slips for the 5th grade trip to the UCSC Life Lab today. The trip is scheduled for Friday, 2/3. Please let me know if you can drive. It's a fun and educational outing!


Math review
Memorize "Paul Revere's Ride"(first two stanzas)

Math review
Finish vocabulary
Work on science project report

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Math: 141 (all) and 142 (choose 3)
Social Studies: Finish pg. 66,67, and 70 in homework book.
Finish Southern States map and worksheet.

Math: pg.115 #1-5
Social Studies: Finish pg. 76 & 79 in homework book.
Finish Asia map.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's time for the annual school spelling bee, and we will be having our class spelling bee this Friday. If you wish to study for this, please go to www.santacruz.k12.ca.us/ed_services/spelling_bee.html and click on the Elementary Sample Spelling List.***I just checked this address and it didn't work. You can just type in Santa Cruz County Spelling Bee and this will bring you to the site and link to the words.
Sixth graders, remember that the rough draft of your science fair written report is due next Tues., 1/24. You may turn it in sooner if you like.


Math: pg.139 (all) and 140 (choose 3)
Language: Finish adverb sheet
Map of southern states and worksheet: due on Thurs.

Language: Finish adverb worksheet
Asia map due on Thurs.
Vocabulary: due on Fri.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I talked about the next book report today (non-fiction), and my students looked for books on subjects they were interested in today in the library. I will hand out guidelines for this report next week and will set a reasonable due date.


Math: pg. 137 (all) and 138 (choose 3)

Math: pg. 111-112. Do all problems except 4 and 9.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello and Happy New Year!

It was great seeing everyone today, and we all enjoyed sharing stories of winter break adventures. We have a busy and fun second half of the year ahead of us. Check next Tuesday's blog for details!


Read: Our next book report will be on a non-fiction book. We'll talk more about this tomorrow.
Math: pg. 133 (all) and 134 (choose 3)

Read: Your next book report will also be on a non-fiction book.
Math: Finish homework pages - #1-10