Thursday, January 26, 2012

I had planned to send home 2nd trimester progress reports today but ran into a couple of glitches when I tried to print them. I've solved the problem this afternoon and will pass them out tomorrow. Please sign the accompanying yellow sheet and send it back with your child early next week.



Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. 159 (all) 160 (choose 3)
Finish vocabulary homework.
***I sent home the requirements for the science weather station project. Please choose one weather station you would like to build. The project, along with the short written report, is due on Thurs., 2/9.

Read: Freak the Mighty - Chapt. 9
Math: pg. 123 #1-3
Finish vocabulary homework.
Finish Ancient Greece map.
News Team #1: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

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