Thursday, January 28, 2010

Read: 30 min.
Math: HB 148 #1-6
Map quiz
Finish spelling homework and study for test

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Read: 30 min
Math: review sheet
Language: Finish "Sensational Sentences"
Study vocabulary

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Please remember to send in permission slips for our UCSC field trip on 2/12. The cost for each student is $5.00 (please pay cash or make checks out to me as I am directly paying the school). Thank you!

Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 137 - odd #s only; pg. 138 - 3 problems of your choice.
Language: Adverb sheet
Study the 5 vocabulary words (Sign of the Beaver) for Thurs.
Study map

Monday, January 25, 2010

Please check for some important papers in your child's work folder today. One is the permission slip for our upcoming field trip to UCSC. Another is an information sheet on our school-wide phone messaging system. Also, I made a copy of the thank you note that Jacob's Heart sent us last week. Thanks for your kind support of this organization.
* This week I sent home yellow half sheets only to students who are missing work.
Have a good weekend.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book page. I don't recall the # (I'm writing this from home), but it should be in planners.
Spelling" Begin homework.
Geography: Begin studying Middle West States and capitols - use completed map.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
SS: Homework Book - #78-79

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB - finish pg. 115; pg. 117 #1-8
Language: Final draft of James Forten dialogue

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello and welcome back! It was great to see everyone today. We had fun sharing our "break" experiences and talking about what we will be doing in class over the next few months. We also discussed how important it will be for them to stay focused and strive to do their best as they head toward 6th grade!
I sent home the January Scholastic Book order form today. I've encouraged everyone to order books if possible. This month the club is offering up to 5000 bonus points which I can use to purchase student book sets - so not only will your child have new books to read, I will be able to build our classroom library as well! I've set up an account for my class if you would like to order online. The user name is rio14 and the password is scholastic. Using this user name and password will give our class points. Thanks.
A quick reminder: Please be sure that your child has basic classroom supplies (binder paper, pencils, pencil sharpener, colored pencils and pens).

Thank you all again for your support. You have wonderful children and I feel very blessed to be working with them.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book - pg. 112 all; pg. 115 #1-9
Social Studies: Homework Book - finish pgs. 68,69,&70