Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello everyone,
As we count down to Winter Break, I want to give you an overview of the next three and a half weeks...
*"Book Talk" due on Wed., Dec.1
*"Poetry Cafe" due on Wed., Dec. 8
* National Park written and oral reports due on Fri., Dec. 17
* Middle Colony Brochure (We will begin this in class this week) due on Tues., Dec. 21

We began writing the rough draft of the park report in class today and will continue doing so for the rest of the week. I will begin assigning parts of the final draft for homework beginning next week. I will send home information for the oral part of the report in a few days.

Thanks and have a good week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 123 (all) and 124 (choose 3)
Spelling: work on homework
News Team #3 - prepare for Friday
*Book Talk due on Wed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Today I handed out the information for our "Poetry Cafe" activity which is scheduled for Wednesday, December 8. Everyone brought home the guidelines and assignment sheet, so please go over them with your child. I stressed the idea of reading poems by different poets and choosing one that appeals to them the most. I'd really love for my students to discover a new poet and some new poetry that they find interesting and engaging.
We will be finishing our note-taking for the national park report tomorrow. I've reminded everyone to bring all their sources to class.
Thanks to everyone who is helping to put on our Thanksgiving lunch tomorrow. I'm looking forward to seeing you all.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Best regards,

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Crispin: Study vocabulary for tomorrow's test
Bring all your national park info to class
Show your parents the "Poetry Cafe" sheets
***Don't forget about our book talk on Wed., Dec. 1. Your written work for the "talk" is due that day as well.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today I sent home the assignment sheet for a "book talk" which we will hold in class on Wednesday, December 1. The kids will share their answers and insights about their books with each other in a small group setting. They will all be responsible for turning in the completed written portion of the assignment on that day as well.


Read: 30 min.
Math review
Finish spelling homework and study for test
News Teams #1&2: Prepare for tomorrow's presentations
*Begin studying Crispin vocabulary for Tuesday's test
***Remember to bring in information for your national park report!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review sheet
Language: Finish introductory phrases sheet
Social Studies: Study for tomorrow's test
***Remember to have your Crispin vocabulary list in class tomorrow. We will choose words for the final test on the book next Tuesday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 115 (all) and 116 (choose 3)or alternative worksheet
Social Studies: Study!
Bring in information for your national park report.
Continue with spelling and news team work.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tomorrow we will begin taking notes for the national park report. Please have your child bring in at least one source of information.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 111 (all) and 112 (choose 3)
Spelling: Work on homework (due on Friday)
Social Studies: Study for Thursday's test
News Teams #1 & 2: Prepare for Friday

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I sent home the guidelines for the national park report today. Please take a look at it with your child. We will be taking notes and writing the rough drafts of the report in class beginning next week. Final drafts will be completed as homework. I will keep you all updated as to deadlines for different parts of the report as we go along. The finished report is due Friday, December 17.

*Read for at least an hour each day. We will have a "book talk" in class in about 2 weeks. I will send home information regarding this next Monday.

*Begin researching information for your national park report. Bring in what you find next Monday.

Thanks and have a great extended weekend!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 108
Social Studies: Homework Book pgs. 47 and 49-53
Finish vocabulary sentences
Choose a national park if you have not already done so

Monday, November 8, 2010

Our trip to NASA was a huge success. The kids learned a lot and had a great time. Thanks so much for supporting these kinds of experiences.
Tomorrow I will be introducing our first research report of the year. The topic will be national parks, and we will be viewing possible choices during our computer lab time. I will send home a list of parks tomorrow and would like everyone to decide on one by next Monday. We will begin taking notes in class next week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 105 (odd #s) and 106 (Choose 3)
Language: Finish worksheet
Crispin: Choose 8 vocabulary words and use each in a good sentence

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Read: 30 min.; Bring in Book Log
Finish final draft of story

***Remember to bring lunch money for tomorrow's trip. See you all at 7:55!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We are set to go to NASA Ames this Friday. Please remember that we will be leaving promptly at 8:00, so please have your child here on time. Also, we will be stopping at In-N-Out Burger (only about 2 miles from NASA) on the way home for lunch. Lunches run between $6 to $8 on the higher end.
Thanks to my parent drivers - I'll see you first thing Friday morning!


Read: 30 min.; book logs due on Friday
Math: Review sheets

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello everyone,
First of all, I want to thank all parents who helped put on a wonderful Halloween party for my students last Friday. Thanks for providing great food, fun crafts, and a good time for all!
This Friday is our trip to NASA Ames. We will be leaving school right at 8:00 as it takes a while to get to Mountain View in morning traffic. We will also be stopping for lunch at In-N-Out Burgers on our way home. I'll be sending more information about this later this week.
We will have a science test this Wednesday. The kids completed a study guide for this test last Thursday.
Have a good week.
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: Worksheet
Space vocabulary: Write the definitions of the 12 words.
Science: Study for Wednesday's test