Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Complete your heritage report.

I will not be assigning any homework over the break. I do hope, though, that you will continue to read each day!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Continue to work on your heritage report. Show your parents the "Final Reminders" sheet.

Remember to get a good night's sleep. We'll be taking the second half of the math CST tomorrow.

Sorry I'm posting this so late. My classroom internet wasn't working today!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello everyone,
We will begin standardized testing tomorrow. As the fifth graders have to take a science test on top of the regular math and language arts, I need to get them started this week.
The only homework I'm assigning this week is the heritage report which is due this Thursday. I neglected to hand out a final reminders sheet today, so I attached a copy in the homework section of this blog. I will send home a hard copy tomorrow.

Thanks and have a great week. The much longed-for spring break is almost here!


Keep working on your heritage report! See final reminders below.

***Get a good night's sleep and eat a nourishing breakfast!

Heritage Report – Final Draft Reminders

*Remember to write your introduction and conclusion paragraphs on separate pieces of paper.

*Remember to write the information about the maternal and paternal sides of your family in separate sections. The part about your immediate family should be in a separate section as well.

*Remember to include family pictures, actual or copied. Your cover should include a picture (a photograph or hand drawn).

*Remember to include a glossary of at least 5 new words.

*Remember to include a bibliography of all your sources.

*Remember to include the notes you used (interviews, letters, etc.).

*Your finished report should be presented in a clear cover folder or binder.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Math: review sheet
Heritage Report: Continue working on your final draft. You should be finished (or close to finished) with one side of your family. The report is due in one week!
Vocabulary: Finish homework and study for quiz.
News Teams #3 & 4: Practice for tomorrow's presentation.

***Remember to support the 6th grade bake sale tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Read: 30 min.
Math: review sheet
Heritage Report: Continue to write final draft - at least 3 more paragraphs.
Book Report: Work on third page illustration.

*Due Friday: Vocabulary homework and News Teams presentations

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I'm not receiving the yellow missing work sheets back from all students. Please ask your child to show you this each Monday (along with her/his corrected work), sign it and send it back to school the next day. Thanks!


Read: 30 min.
Math review sheet
Book Report: Finish illustrations for the first two pages if necessary.
Heritage Report: Continue writing final draft paragraphs (at least 2).

Monday, April 11, 2011


Read:30 min.
Math: Textbook - pg. 620 #4-10 and pg. 621 #1-4
Vocabulary: Work on homework (due Fri.).
Heritage Report: Begin final draft. Write the Introduction and the first two or three paragraphs of the body of the report. ***The completed report is due Thursday, April 21.
News Teams #3 & 4: Begin preparing for Friday's presentation.

Thanks and have a good week!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our mock trial today was a huge success! Everyone involved was terrific and the play was thoroughly enjoyable. I am very proud of my students' hard work and their respectful behavior at the courthouse.
Thank you to all my parent chaperons. I'm so glad you were able to attend.


Read: 30 min. Continue to bring your book report book to class.
Book Report: Finish and edit the "Climax" and "Resolution" written sections.
Math: HB pg. 255 (all) and 256 (choose 3)
News Team #2: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I went over the guidelines for the Heritage Report today with everyone. Please review it as well with your child. We will continue working on the rough draft in class this week. Beginning next week I will be assigning sections of the final draft to be done for homework. The completed report is due on Thursday, April 21.

We've been practicing our trial play in class and everyone is doing great! We will be leaving school at 10:15 tomorrow and will return at about 1:30. Please remember to have your child bring a bag lunch.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 253(all) and 254 (choose 3)
Reading: Complete Practice Book pg. 312.
Book Report: Finish and carefully edit the "Rising Action" written section.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Read: 30 min. Continue to bring your book report book to class. We will continue working on the report tomorrow.
Math: Review sheet
Language: Finish persuasive essay
Study law vocabulary

Monday, April 4, 2011

We go to court this Thursday! We are currently practicing our play in class, and it's going very well. Thanks to all my parent drivers. We will meet in class at around 10 on Thursday morning.

Have a good week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 247 (all) and 248 (choose 3)
Science: Finish "Adopt an Element" sheet.
Language: Work on final draft of persuasive essay which is due on Wednesday. This may be typed or neatly handwritten on binder paper.
Study law vocabulary for Wednesday's quiz.
News Team #2: Prepare for Friday's presentation.