Wednesday, December 18, 2019


 Reminder:  Our holiday party will begin at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon.  Please come by if you can.

As we come to the end of the first half of fifth grade, I want to express how much I appreciate my students and the wonderful work they do each day.  I look forward to jumping into some exciting curriculum with them in 2020!
Have a wonderful winter break. Enjoy time with family and friends, get some rest, and have lots of fun!

Best holiday wishes to you all.

Mrs. Koue

Finish the rough draft of your research report if you still need to do so.  If you still need some time tomorrow, we'll fit it in!

***Remember to keep reading over the break.  I will be assigning a book report when we return in January.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Please remember to bring in books tomorrow for the book swap that will be held on Thursday. 

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Research Report: Continue to finish writing your rough draft if you have not yet finished it.  Spend about 20 to 30 minutes.  I will give you more time in class tomorrow.  We will also work on the conclusion then.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Everyone did a terrific job last Friday during our Poetry Cafe.  What a treat it was for me to listen to so many wonderful poems by such a diverse group of poets!  So much fun!  Thanks to all parents who brought in treats.  This made the morning even more special.


Read: 30 min.
Social Studies:  Be ready to present your lesson tomorrow morning.  Your written lesson sheet is also due at this time.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

I am very happy - and very proud - to announce that the two school-wide spelling bee winners this year are students in Room 14!  Congratulations to Cooper Nelson and Ryan Repp who will be representing Rio del Mar School at the County Spelling Bee in January.  Way to go!

Please come to our beatnik cafe tomorrow morning if you can.  Our poetry presentations will begin shortly after 8:00.


Read: 30 min.  Reading logs will be checked tomorrow.
Prepare/Rehearse for your poetry presentation.  Remember to fill out the worksheet and attach your handwritten or typed poem(s) to this sheet.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Our Bike Smart activity will begin at 8:30 tomorrow morning.  Parents, come by to check it out if you can! 
I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Math:  Finish problem set #11.
Poetry Cafe: Prepare for Friday. *We will begin at 8 on Friday morning.  Please tell your family members to come on by!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

We talked about our Poetry Cafe presentations today, and I gave everyone examples and a few more pointers on to how effectively talk about their poets and the poems they will be reciting.  We also talked about having some "cafe" breakfast treats on Friday morning to accompany our presentations.  If you are able to send in some goodies, this would be greatly appreciated.  I will provide juice, cups and napkins.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish problem set #9.
Poetry Cafe: Prepare for Friday.

Monday, December 9, 2019

All fifth graders attended a Bike Smart assembly today and will participate in the "rodeo" this Thursday.  Please read the informational flyer that your child brought home today.  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  *My class will participate at 8:30 on Thursday morning.


Read: 30 min.
Poetry Cafe:  Prepare for this Friday's presentation.  Remember that you need to carefully and completely fill out the worksheet I gave you.  You also must include a copy (handwritten or typed) of the poem you will be reciting.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

I sent home the "Stick it to Hunger" flyer today.  This drive will take place over the next 2 weeks.


Read: 30 min. Reading logs are due tomorrow.
Science: Study for tomorrow's test.
Poetry Cafe: Friday, 12/13.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

We started the winter MAP testing today.  I anticipate that the testing in both math and reading will continue into next week.


Read: 30 min.
Science: Study for Friday's test.
Poetry Cafe: 12/13

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Read: 30 min.  Reading Log due on Friday.  Bring your signed AR goal sheet to class tomorrow.
Math: Homework #11, problems 2 and 3.
Science: Study for Friday's test.
*Poetry Cafe: Friday, 12/13.

*** I got word today that I now need to submit  the names of my spelling bee winners by tomorrow - so our class spelling bee will be held tomorrow!

Monday, December 2, 2019

I hope you all enjoyed the Thanksgiving break.  Only 3 weeks left of the first half of 5th grade!

I sent home information regarding the school science fair.  It is an optional activity that students complete at home.

We will have our in-class spelling bee tomorrow.  I've attached a link to the sample spelling word list below.
*** I just found out that I don't need to submit my spelling winners' names until next week, so I will wait a bit longer to have the bee in my class.


Read: 30 min.  Reading Log due on Friday.
Math: Homework #7.  Problems 1 (second column) and 2 (a and c).
Science: Study for Friday's test.  Use your study guide.