Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hello and welcome back!

I hope you all enjoyed a happy and restful summer. I'm looking forward to beginning a new school year and to meeting all my new students.

Here is a list of the supplies I would like both my 5th and 6th grade students to have:

*low odor dry erase markers and sock
*one small three-ring binder
*binder paper
*two spiral notebooks - single subject/wide ruled
*two twin pocket folders (paper ones are fine)
*several #2 pencils
*set of colored pencils
*personal pencil sharpener
*two of each - blue and red ball point pens
*small scissors
*American Heritage or other college level paperback dictionary
*a chapter book for silent reading time

Once school begins, I will post a blog each day, keeping everyone updated on homework assignments and important events.

Thanks and see you all on Wednesday!

Mrs. Koue

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