Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I handed out specific guidelines for the Heritage Report today which I have also included below.  I am helping the kids organize their information and will give them time in class each day (until the end of next week) to write their rough drafts.  Any unfinished rough drafts and the final drafts of the report will be assigned as homework.  The final report is due on Wednesday, May 11.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review sheet.  I will give the End-of-Module 5 test on Friday.
*Keep adding to your Heritage Report notes if you need to!

Heritage Report Guidelines - Date Due__Wednesday, May 11__
Your report must include the following:

1.  An illustrated (you may use photos) cover which includes the title of your report, your name, your grade, and due date.

2.  Table of contents

3.  Introduction (on a separate page)

4.  Main body of the report

5.  Conclusion (separate page)

6.  Glossary of new words

8.  At least one illustration or photograph (you may include as many as you like)

9.  Bibliography with a list of the people you interviewed and any written information you used (I will help you with the correct arrangement)

10.  The interview notes you used for this report

You will write a rough draft of your report (mostly in class) and will complete the final draft at home.  Your report should be neatly and accurately handwritten or typed. 

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