Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Picture retake day is next Tuesday, Oct. 28.  I handed out a few forms today, but I thought I should let parents know just in case.  I have several more forms if you would like one.


Read: 30 min.
Math:  Homework #13, problems 1, 2 (a-e), and 3.
Social Studies:  Finish Ch. 4 workbook pages if necessary.  Page #35, 36 (bottom half), 38 - 43.
Work on museum project. Remember that all 3 parts are due on Friday.
News Team #2: Prepare for Friday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi; what are the questions for social studies? My child left the work at school. Alternatively, what is the subject matter or content? We could use books to learn at home. Thanks!