Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hello everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed the spring break. It was certainly nice to relax and recharge a bit!
We have some busy weeks ahead of us as we work on projects and prepare for the state testing. I handed out the guidelines for the final book report for both 5th and 6th (different reports) which we started in class today. We will work on these as much as is reasonably possible in class, and I will set due dates for different parts of the report over the next few weeks. The final reports are due on Thurs., 5/3.
I'm stressing how important it is for everyone to keep track of due dates both in their planners and on this blog. I've included some other important dates to be aware of below.

Thanks and have a good week.


Math: Daily Routines pg. 256
ABC pages: due on Thursday
Language: Prepositions packet due on Fri.
*Bring in notes for Heritage Report. We will begin organizing tomorrow.
***I will set due dates for different parts of the report over the next few weeks. The due date for the final report is Wednesday, May 9.

Math: pg. 195-196 #1-11
Language: Prepositions packet due on Fri.
Science: Test next Wed., 4/18
*Autobiography: Rough drafts of parts 3&4 due on 4/20; parts 1&2 due on 4/28.
Final draft of report is due on Wednesday, May 9.

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