Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I sent home information about our December poetry activity, "Poetry Cafe," today. I'd like to set up our classroom to look like a '50s beatnik hangout if possible for the event. I may need some help with this and will keep you updated with my thoughts after the Thanksgiving break. In the meantime, I'd like my students to be reading poems by different poets and choose one they particularly enjoy. I will give them a list of possible poets and some sample poems before the end of this week.
I will be assigning some homework over the break. Please look for these assignments on Thursday's blog.



Read: Crispin through Chapt. 22
Math: Homework Book pg. 95
Study for tomorrow's social studies test
News Team #1

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mrs. Koue,
Sorry if your getting a few post that are the same I was having a problem with google accounts. Anyhow I was wondering if you could post the spelling words for each week so we can drill Deven on the words prior to the test?