Monday, August 17, 2009

Thanks for dealing with all the beginning of the year paperwork so promptly. I don't think I've ever received all my completed emergency cards so quickly!
We've gotten off to a smooth start. Your children are wonderful - very respectful and motivated. I'm really enjoying getting to know them all.
Each Monday (beginning next week) I will be sending home graded work from the previous week in your child's folder. In each folder I will include a yellow half sheet which will let you know if your child has turned in all required assignments or if anything is missing. Please sign this and send it back to me the following day. Your involvement now will help ensure your child's success in the coming year.


Mrs Koue


Read: 30 Min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 5
Spelling: Work on homework assignments (all due on Friday)

*** First book report due on 9/23. Guidelines will come home in a few weeks.

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