Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We began working on the colony brochures in earnest today and made great progress. I will be assigning different sections to be completed for homework throughout the week. Tonight the kids need to finish their covers and the first panel of their brochures. I gave them a checklist stating what I expect. Please review this with them.
Please send in the field trip forms along with $1.00 for your child. Also, please let me know if you can drive. The Jr. High play is always fun, and it's great to see former Rio students perform!

Thanks and have a good afternoon.

Mrs. Koue

Tuesday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Spelling: Definitions for words 11-20
Social Studies: Finish your cover and the first panel(be sure to carefully edit your writing!!!)
Science: Continue to study for Thursday's test

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