Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend - a nice rest before we begin the second trimester of the school year.
I talked to my students today about late work and how I will handle this issue from this point on. I feel that these past first months of school have been a training period where I have introduced my procedures and expectations and have allowed time and support for everyone to understand and to follow them. During this second grading period I will expect that class assignments and homework be turned in on time. If an assignment is turned in late, I will mark it down a full grade (if a student continues to not complete work on time, I will stop accepting it). By the third and final trimester, I will not accept late work at all without a note from a parent.
Fortunately, the majority of my students consistently turn in work on time. I really appreciate their good study habits and the excellent support that you provide for them.

Thank you,

Mrs. Koue

P.S. If your child completed all her/his work, I did not send home a yellow progress sheet today.

Wednesday's homework:

Math: Group 1- #63; Group 2- pg. 38 in practice book
Language: verb sheet
Read for 30 min.

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