Wednesday, December 18, 2019


 Reminder:  Our holiday party will begin at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon.  Please come by if you can.

As we come to the end of the first half of fifth grade, I want to express how much I appreciate my students and the wonderful work they do each day.  I look forward to jumping into some exciting curriculum with them in 2020!
Have a wonderful winter break. Enjoy time with family and friends, get some rest, and have lots of fun!

Best holiday wishes to you all.

Mrs. Koue

Finish the rough draft of your research report if you still need to do so.  If you still need some time tomorrow, we'll fit it in!

***Remember to keep reading over the break.  I will be assigning a book report when we return in January.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Please remember to bring in books tomorrow for the book swap that will be held on Thursday. 

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Research Report: Continue to finish writing your rough draft if you have not yet finished it.  Spend about 20 to 30 minutes.  I will give you more time in class tomorrow.  We will also work on the conclusion then.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Everyone did a terrific job last Friday during our Poetry Cafe.  What a treat it was for me to listen to so many wonderful poems by such a diverse group of poets!  So much fun!  Thanks to all parents who brought in treats.  This made the morning even more special.


Read: 30 min.
Social Studies:  Be ready to present your lesson tomorrow morning.  Your written lesson sheet is also due at this time.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

I am very happy - and very proud - to announce that the two school-wide spelling bee winners this year are students in Room 14!  Congratulations to Cooper Nelson and Ryan Repp who will be representing Rio del Mar School at the County Spelling Bee in January.  Way to go!

Please come to our beatnik cafe tomorrow morning if you can.  Our poetry presentations will begin shortly after 8:00.


Read: 30 min.  Reading logs will be checked tomorrow.
Prepare/Rehearse for your poetry presentation.  Remember to fill out the worksheet and attach your handwritten or typed poem(s) to this sheet.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Our Bike Smart activity will begin at 8:30 tomorrow morning.  Parents, come by to check it out if you can! 
I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Math:  Finish problem set #11.
Poetry Cafe: Prepare for Friday. *We will begin at 8 on Friday morning.  Please tell your family members to come on by!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

We talked about our Poetry Cafe presentations today, and I gave everyone examples and a few more pointers on to how effectively talk about their poets and the poems they will be reciting.  We also talked about having some "cafe" breakfast treats on Friday morning to accompany our presentations.  If you are able to send in some goodies, this would be greatly appreciated.  I will provide juice, cups and napkins.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish problem set #9.
Poetry Cafe: Prepare for Friday.

Monday, December 9, 2019

All fifth graders attended a Bike Smart assembly today and will participate in the "rodeo" this Thursday.  Please read the informational flyer that your child brought home today.  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  *My class will participate at 8:30 on Thursday morning.


Read: 30 min.
Poetry Cafe:  Prepare for this Friday's presentation.  Remember that you need to carefully and completely fill out the worksheet I gave you.  You also must include a copy (handwritten or typed) of the poem you will be reciting.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

I sent home the "Stick it to Hunger" flyer today.  This drive will take place over the next 2 weeks.


Read: 30 min. Reading logs are due tomorrow.
Science: Study for tomorrow's test.
Poetry Cafe: Friday, 12/13.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

We started the winter MAP testing today.  I anticipate that the testing in both math and reading will continue into next week.


Read: 30 min.
Science: Study for Friday's test.
Poetry Cafe: 12/13

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Read: 30 min.  Reading Log due on Friday.  Bring your signed AR goal sheet to class tomorrow.
Math: Homework #11, problems 2 and 3.
Science: Study for Friday's test.
*Poetry Cafe: Friday, 12/13.

*** I got word today that I now need to submit  the names of my spelling bee winners by tomorrow - so our class spelling bee will be held tomorrow!

Monday, December 2, 2019

I hope you all enjoyed the Thanksgiving break.  Only 3 weeks left of the first half of 5th grade!

I sent home information regarding the school science fair.  It is an optional activity that students complete at home.

We will have our in-class spelling bee tomorrow.  I've attached a link to the sample spelling word list below.
*** I just found out that I don't need to submit my spelling winners' names until next week, so I will wait a bit longer to have the bee in my class.


Read: 30 min.  Reading Log due on Friday.
Math: Homework #7.  Problems 1 (second column) and 2 (a and c).
Science: Study for Friday's test.  Use your study guide.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


*Remember to take a look at some poets and their poems before you make a decision for your Poetry Cafe topic.
*Remember to read every day.
*Remember to check out the Santa Cruz County Spelling Bee list.  We will have our in-class spelling bee next Tuesday.

And finally...
*Remember to have fun with your family and friends as you gather for your Thanksgiving celebration!

Have a great holiday!
Mrs. Koue

Monday, November 25, 2019

I gave my students the guidelines for our Poetry Cafe activity which will be due on Friday, Dec. 13.  I am encouraging them to read poems by different poets, especially ones they are not already familiar with. I would really love for everyone to discover a new poet and new poetry that he or she finds interesting and engaging. 

It was great meeting with all of you last week.  Once again, I want to thank you for the wonderful support you give your children. Enjoy them - and all your family and friends - over the coming Thanksgiving holiday!


Read: 30 min.  No need to bring in your Reading Log tomorrow.  I will check it again next week.
Math: Finish the math review sheet.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Read: 30 min.  Turn in Reading Log tomorrow.
Math: Line Plot worksheet

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I apologize for not updating my blog for the past two days. 


Read: 30 min.  Remember to fill out your reading log nightly and to turn it in on Friday.
Math:  "Reasoning" problem worksheet.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I appreciate you all confirming your conference times.  I look forward to meeting with you next week.

I sent home corrected work today.

Read: 30 min.
Writing:  Think about some possible topics for your upcoming research report. Use the general topics sheet I gave you to help you decide.  We will begin note taking later this week.
Southeast States and Capitals: Study for Friday's test.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Vocabulary: Finish homework and study for tomorrow's test.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I sent home a confirmation form for your Parent/Teacher Conference time today.  Please sign it and have your child bring it back to class.  Thank you!


Read:  30 min.
Math:  Look over your Mid-Module 3 Review sheet.  We will have the mid-module test tomorrow.
Vocabulary: Homework and test on Friday.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min. or more. Remember that the last day to take an AR test is this Friday.
Math: Finish the review sheet.
Vocabulary homework and test: Friday.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Our Halloween party was a hit!  The kids loved making their "haunted houses" and enjoyed all the tasty treats.  Thanks so much to all my parents who helped out!


Read: 30 min.  The last day to take AR quizzes for the first trimester is this Friday.
Math: Lesson 7 - Do all three problems.
Sign of the Beaver Vocabulary:  Homework is due on Friday. Know the definitions of the words for Friday's test.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Memorize poem for tomorrow.

* Halloween Parade: 8:15
* Room 14 Party: 1:00.  Please join us if you can!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I sent home some corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Social Studies: Study for tomorrow's test.
Finish your Colony Skit worksheet.
Memorize poem for Thursday!

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish Problem Sets #5 and #6.
News Team #4: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.
Social Studies: Chapter 4 test is next Wednesday.

***Practice your skit part for tomorrow. I can't wait to see them!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish Problem Set 4 worksheet.
Writing: Jot down notes on the "Using Strong Verbs" half sheet. You do not have to write the paragraph.
News Team #4: Friday.
***Social Studies: Chapter 4 test is next Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

With Parent/Teacher Conferences only a few weeks away, I would love to have everyone sign up for a date and time.  I have attached my schedule below.  Please let me know if you have any difficulty accessing the schedule.  Thank you!

I sent home corrected work today.  Our See's Candy Fundraiser is underway, and I sent home the order form for this as well.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Lesson #3 - Do all four problems.
Writing:  If you have not yet finished your final draft of your narrative, please complete it this week!
News Team #4: Prepare for Friday.
***Social Studies: Chapter 4 test is next week on Wednesday!  Be sure to use your study guide.

Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule

Monday, October 21, 2019


Read: 30 min. 
Sign of the Beaver:  Read Chapters 12 and 13. This can be part of your 30 min. reading.
Math: Sprint - side A.
Writing: Final draft of your narrative is due on Wednesday.
News Team #4: Prepare for Friday's presentation.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Math:  Study your review sheets.  We will have our Module 2 test tomorrow.
Book Report:  Due tomorrow.  Remember to paper clip your cover and written work together.
News Team #3: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish today's math sheet.
Book Report: Due on Friday.
News Team #3: Friday

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish Problem Set #22.
Book Report:  Continue to work on your final draft paragraphs and interview questions.  Remember to refer to the Final Draft Checklist I gave you yesterday. Your entire report is due this Friday.
News Team #3: Prepare for Friday.

Monday, October 14, 2019

With Halloween quickly approaching, I would like to start thinking about organizing a Halloween Party.  I don't have a Room Parent but wonder if I might ask for some help in putting a simple celebration together.  If you have ideas or would like to participate that day, please let me know.  I would be happy to send out information through my blog or send an email to all my families.  Thanks!

I sent home a final draft checklist for the book report which is due this Friday.  Please remember that your child should complete the final drafts of all the writing as well as the interview questions and answers at home.

I sent home the October Scholastic Book order forms today.  If you would like to order online, my class code is GNZFR.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Do the circled problems.
Book Report: Write the final draft of the first personality paragraph for tomorrow (to stay on track!).  The completed book report is due this Friday.
News Team #3: Prepare for Friday's presentation.

Spotlight on Character - Final Draft Checklist

My final draft writing is neatly handwritten or typed. ______

I have written on one side only of each paper. ______

My summary is clear and organized and includes the main elements of
the story: main character, problem, important events and solution (minimum
of 10 sentences).  This should be written on a separate piece of paper(s). ______
Both character trait paragraphs begin with a topic sentence and contain
good examples from the book (minimum of 6 sentences).   Both paragraphs
may be written on one sheet of paper or you may write each one on
a separate sheet. ______

The five interview questions are clear and answered well.  If your 
question requires a yes or no response, be sure to have your
character explain why he/she gave this response. ______

My cover is detailed and colorful and shows my best effort.  I have
included all the parts explained in the guidelines. ______
I have used correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. ______

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Book Report: Final draft of summary due on Thursday.
Science: Study for Thursday's test.
Science Report: (including the illustration): Due on Friday. Remember to carefully correct your writing!
News Team #2: Friday.

Monday, October 7, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Book Report:  Write the final draft of your summary by Thursday.  We will begin the cover for the report tomorrow and will work on this in class.We will also continue to work on the personality paragraphs in class.  The final drafts of these two paragraphs will be due early next week.  The due date for the entire book report is Friday, 10/18.

Math: Problem #4 on today's problem set.

Science: Study for Thursday's test. Be sure to use your study guide.

Science report: Due on Friday.

News Team #2: Prepare for Friday's presentation.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Read: 30 min. Remember to continue to bring your book report book to class.
Science: Complete the "End of Mystery" assessment.
Northeastern States and Capitals quiz: Tomorrow.
News Team #1: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.  Be sure to bring your completed worksheet to class.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Math:  Problems 2 (b & c) and 4 or 5 (you may do both!).
Writing:  Keep working on your narrative rough draft if you need to.  We will be doing self and peer editing tomorrow.
Northeastern States quiz: Friday
News Team #1: Friday

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I sent home corrected work today.  I also sent home the flyer for our "Socktober" sock drive.  We hope to fill up our class box!


Read: 30 min.  Bring your signed AR goal sheet to class tomorrow.
Math: Multiplication practice.
Northeastern States quiz: Friday
News Team #1: Prepare for Friday.

Monday, September 30, 2019

We will have our first News Team presentation this week.  The members of Team #1 selected news stories today and will present on Friday.   They are responsible for preparing and practicing at home, but I will help them throughout the week with any questions they have.

I sent home the book report guidelines today.  The kids will work on outlining and rough drafts in class and will do final drafts for homework.  I will give a set due date soon.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Problem Set #6: Do problems #2 (a) and 4 (a & b)
Bridge to Terabithia: Folder (packet of worksheets and writing) due tomorrow.
Northeastern States and Capitals: Quiz on Friday.
News Team #1: Prepare for Friday's presentation.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

I showed everyone the guidelines for the book report today.  I decided to wait until Monday to begin and will send the guidelines home then. 


Read: 30 min.  Remember to bring the book you have chosen for your book report to class next Monday.
Math:  Multiplication sheet.
Bridge to Terabithia: Your folder is due next Tuesday.  Be sure that you have completed each section.
 *Simile Sheet
 *Personality Traits
 *Four Journal Entries
 *Thoughts About Friendship ( I will hand this back to you tomorrow.)
 *Any Questions?

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Bridge to Terabithia - Any Question?: Due tomorrow.
Poem: I've extended the presentation to Friday.  If you are ready tomorrow, please recite then!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Read: 30 min.  Remember that I will be handing out the guidelines for the book report on Thursday.
Memorize your chosen poem for Thursday.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I sent home corrected work today.  Please check to see if your child received a missing work notice. Thanks.

I also sent home the Drive for Schools information and tickets.  This fundraiser will be held over the next few weeks.

Picture Day is this Friday!


Read: 30 min.
Explorer booklet: The four completed subject pages (you may have more than one page for one or more of your subjects) are due tomorrow.
Vocabulary: Due on Friday
***Memorize poem for next Thursday, 9/26.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Science: Think about a space topic you are interested in for an upcoming report.  Use the list I gave you.  If you want to learn about a topic that is not on the list, please check with me.
Explorer booklet: All four completed pages are due on Thursday.  You may work on your cover that day in class.
Vocabulary: Due on Friday.

Monday, September 16, 2019

We will all be attending a Positive Mindset assembly tomorrow morning.  The show will contain story-telling, humor, illusions and amazing yo-yo tricks. Yo-yos will be on sale for students before and after school on Wednesday and Thursday.


Read:  30 min.  We will begin our book reports in class next week.
Math:  Review sheets
Explorer booklet:  All four subject pages are due on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Math: Decimal review sheet. Do all 4 problems
Explorer's booklet:  Complete your first two pages/subjects.  All four pages will be due next Thursday, 9/19.
Social Studies: Study for Friday's test.
Vocabulary: Friday

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Early Explorer's booklet: Two completed pages (two subjects) are due on Thursday.
Social Studies: Study for Friday's test.
Vocabulary: Due on Friday.

Monday, September 9, 2019

I sent home corrected work today.  Please check to see if your child received a yellow missing work sheet.  If so, please review, sign it and send it back to me.  Thank you!


Read: 30 min.
Bridge to Terabithia vocabulary: Homework is due on Friday.
Social Studies:  Study for Friday's test.  Be sure to use your study guide.
Early Explorer's Booklet:  Your first 2 completed pages are due on Thursday.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Read: 30 minutes
Math: Finish the problems on Problem Set #11.
Vocabulary: Study for tomorrow's quiz.
Writing:  Think about some possible topics for your narrative writing piece.  Come to class tomorrow with at least 2 topics that you are considering.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Read: 30 minutes. *Remember that I will be assigning your first book report in about 2 weeks.
Math: Homework #10, circled problems.
Vocabulary: Quiz on Friday.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and all the sunshine!  Today I sent home information about Picture Day which will be Friday, 9/20.  I also sent home a Scholastic Book order form.  If you are interested in ordering books online, please use my code: GNZFR.  You may also send the paper form to school and I will place the order. 

Thanks and have a good week!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework #9 - do the circled problems.
Nature's Fury Vocabulary: Study for Friday's quiz.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Read: 30 minutes
Vocabulary: Homework is due tomorrow.

***Back to School Night: 7:05 in Room 14.  See you then!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

I look forward to seeing you all at Back to School Night tomorrow.  I will be presenting information about 5th grade at 7:05!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Rounding Packet - Do the circled problems.
Vocabulary: Due on Friday.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I sent home corrected work today which I will do on most Mondays or Tuesdays.  

I've told my students that I will be assigning the first book report in a few weeks and that they should be reading a book of fiction to prepare for this.  


Read: 30 min.
Math:  Homework #6. Do the circled problems.
Vocabulary: Due on Friday.

Monday, August 26, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework #5. Do the circled problems.  Use the Problem Set we did in class today to help you if needed.
Eye of the Storm Vocabulary:  Homework is due on Friday.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Read: 30 minutes
Vocabulary: Homework due on Friday.
Poem Picture Frame: Due on Friday.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

We finished the reading portion of the MAP testing today and will begin the math tomorrow.   Once we complete these tests we'll begin a more routine class and homework schedule.


Read: 30 minutes
Vocabulary: Homework due on Friday.
Poem Picture Frame: Due on Friday.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


Read: 30 minutes
Vocabulary: Due on Friday
*If you are interested in being a Student Leader, please turn in your "Intent to Run for Student Leadership" form by this Friday.

Monday, August 19, 2019

We will begin the first-of-the-year MAP testing tomorrow and will continue throughout this week.

I assigned the first math homework today.  If your child has difficulty with any of the problems, please don't worry. I will review the concepts in class tomorrow.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework #3 - problems 1 and 2. Problem 3 (a & b only)
Earthquake Terror Vocabulary: Homework due on Friday.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Read: 30 minutes
Please remember to turn in your completed Emergency Card.  Thanks!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


We had a great first day! I have a wonderful group of students, all very respectful and motivated. I am looking forward to a great year with them.

I sent home sent home information about our after school program and all the beginning-of-the-year papers today, including your child's emergency card.   Please fill this out and return it to school as soon as possible.  Thanks!

I plan to update my blog each day with information regarding homework, projects and important school news, so please check it regularly. Your child will also be recording homework assignments in his/her planner.  Unless otherwise noted, homework is due the following day.

Please give me a call, send an email, or just drop by if you have any questions or concerns.  I look forward to meeting you all!

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 minutes
"Got Goals?" worksheet

Here is a list of the supplies I would like my 5th grade students to have:

*one small three-ring binder 
*binder paper 
*two spiral notebooks - single subject/wide ruled 
*two twin pocket folders (paper ones are fine) 
*several #2 pencils 
*set of colored pencils 
*personal pencil sharpener 
*two of each - blue and red ball point pens 
*small scissors
*a chapter book for silent reading time

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hello and welcome back! 

I hope you all enjoyed a happy and fun-filled summer. I'm looking forward to beginning a new school year and to meeting all my new students. 

Here is a list of the supplies I would like my 5th grade students to have:

*one small three-ring binder 
*binder paper 
*two spiral notebooks - single subject/wide ruled 
*two twin pocket folders (paper ones are fine) 
*several #2 pencils 
*set of colored pencils 
*personal pencil sharpener 
*two of each - blue and red ball point pens 
*small scissors
*a chapter book for silent reading time

Once school begins, I will post a blog each day, keeping everyone updated on homework assignments and important events.

Thank you!
Mrs. Koue

Monday, June 3, 2019

Here we are - the last week of school!

I sent home some of your child's work today.  I've asked them to bring in a grocery bag for the rest of the work I will send home later in the week.

Please remember that your child will be arriving back at school at about 3:30 tomorrow.  I've reminded everyone to bring a lunch or money to buy one at the Boardwalk.  Hats and sunscreen too!

Thanks again for all my parents who are driving.  We will meet in class at 10 to organize groups.  I have lots of drivers, and some of you may wish to pair up.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I sent home corrected work today. 


Read: 30 min.
Prepare for your final news team presentation which will take place tomorrow morning.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thank you to everyone who has sent in the permission slips and payment for the 5th Grade Boardwalk trip on 6/4.  If you still need to pay for a wristband ($29.35), please do so by tomorrow.  I will be giving the checks to the school treasurer tomorrow.  Thank you!


Read: 30 min.
Study for tomorrow's Constitution test.
Final News Team Presentations: Prepare for next Wednesday.

Monday, May 20, 2019

It was so nice to see you all at Open House last week.  Your children have done wonderful work this year and it was fun showing it all off!

If you still need to pay for your child's Boardwalk wristband, please do so this week.  This will give the school treasurer ample time to make out a check to cover the cost for the entire 5th grade.  Thank you!

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Do the circled problems in the packet and in the Student Book.
Social Studies: Study for the Constitution test that you will take this Friday.

Monday, May 13, 2019

I have to say that I felt totally spoiled last week! Thank you all so much for the lunches, coffees, treats, flowers and gifts! 

Thank you for turning in the Boardwalk permission slips.  Please remember to include payment of $29.35 for an all-day wristband if your child needs one.  Season passes, of course, can be used.

I look forward to seeing you all this Thursday evening at Open House.


Read: 30 min.
Poems: Finish typing your 6 poems if you haven't already done so.  It looks like I have most of them!
Heritage Report:  Due on Wednesday.  Please let me know if you will not be able to complete it by this date.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

*The four completed pages of your book report is due tomorrow.  Remember to not staple the pages together.  You will make a cover for the report in class.

*Your heritage report is due next Wednesday.  I've added the checklist and final tips sheets below.

Heritage Report - Final Draft Tips
* The final draft of your report should be neatly and legibly handwritten or typed
(preferably double spaced) on one side of your paper only.
* Organize the body of your report in chronological order, beginning with your
oldest known relatives on one side of your family (maternal or paternal) and
then do the same for the other side.  These can be two separate sections. 
The third section should be about your immediate family - your parents, siblings and you!
* Write one or two paragraphs per person, depending on how much information
you have.  If you only have a small amount of information about your great-grandparents
(or whoever) you may talk about both in one paragraph.

 * You may copy pictures (or include real photos) and use them throughout
your report.

Heritage Report Checklist
Cover (title, your name, your grade, date, picture or illustration) ______
Table of contents ______
Main body of report
*written in paragraph form
*organized in chronological order from oldest to present  
*includes information about both sides of family (in separate sections) ______
*includes section on immediate family
Conclusion ______
At least one picture/illustration ______
Glossary of new words (at least 5) ______
Bibliography ______

Report notes (these can be placed at the back of your report)            ______  

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Book Report: All four pages due on Friday.  Remember that we will make the covers together in class.
Heritage Report:  Due on Wednesday, 5/15. 
Read: 30 min.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Thank you all for the lovely flowers, cards and treats that I've received these past two days.  I'm loving the coffee and lunches too!  Thank you so much!!!


Read: 30 min.
Book Report:  The four completed pages are due this Friday.  We will make the covers in class.
Heritage Report:  Continue to work on your final drafts.  I will go over the conclusion with you tomorrow (all this testing has put me off my planned schedule!).

Monday, May 6, 2019

Read: 30 min.
Keep working on your heritage report.
Book Report: All 4 pages are due on Friday.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

I sent home the permission slip and information for the 5th grade end-of-year trip to the Boardwalk.  We are scheduled to go on Tuesday, June 4.  We will be coming back to school after the regular pickup time, so please make arrangements for your child. More details to follow. Thanks.

I also sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Book Report: Finish the first two pages (Character/Setting and Conflict).  The entire report is due next Friday, 5/10.
Heritage Report: Continue writing your final draft.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I sent home two final draft information sheets for the heritage report today.  One is a report "tips" sheet and the other a checklist.  I will go over how to write a short conclusion for the report this Friday.


Read: 30 min.
Heritage Report: Write another final draft paragraph.
Book Report: Finish the Climax and Resolution paragraph. The first two pages, both the art and writing, are due on Friday.  The completed report is due on Friday, May 10.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Read: 30 min.
Heritage Report: Continue to work on your final draft.  I will give you a checklist tomorrow.
Book Report: First two pages are due on Friday.

Monday, April 29, 2019

My students will be taking the Language Arts portion of the state testing this week, beginning tomorrow morning.  This will continue at least through Wednesday.


Read: 30 min.
Heritage Report: Begin writing the final draft of your report.  Make a plan to complete a paragraph per night.  The completed report is due on Wednesday, May 15.
Book Report:  The first two pages are due on Friday.