Monday, October 14, 2019

With Halloween quickly approaching, I would like to start thinking about organizing a Halloween Party.  I don't have a Room Parent but wonder if I might ask for some help in putting a simple celebration together.  If you have ideas or would like to participate that day, please let me know.  I would be happy to send out information through my blog or send an email to all my families.  Thanks!

I sent home a final draft checklist for the book report which is due this Friday.  Please remember that your child should complete the final drafts of all the writing as well as the interview questions and answers at home.

I sent home the October Scholastic Book order forms today.  If you would like to order online, my class code is GNZFR.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Do the circled problems.
Book Report: Write the final draft of the first personality paragraph for tomorrow (to stay on track!).  The completed book report is due this Friday.
News Team #3: Prepare for Friday's presentation.

Spotlight on Character - Final Draft Checklist

My final draft writing is neatly handwritten or typed. ______

I have written on one side only of each paper. ______

My summary is clear and organized and includes the main elements of
the story: main character, problem, important events and solution (minimum
of 10 sentences).  This should be written on a separate piece of paper(s). ______
Both character trait paragraphs begin with a topic sentence and contain
good examples from the book (minimum of 6 sentences).   Both paragraphs
may be written on one sheet of paper or you may write each one on
a separate sheet. ______

The five interview questions are clear and answered well.  If your 
question requires a yes or no response, be sure to have your
character explain why he/she gave this response. ______

My cover is detailed and colorful and shows my best effort.  I have
included all the parts explained in the guidelines. ______
I have used correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. ______

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