We had a great first day! I have a wonderful group of students, all very respectful and motivated. I am looking forward to a great year with them.
I sent home sent home information about our after school program and all the beginning-of-the-year papers today, including your child's emergency card. Please fill this out and return it to school as soon as possible. Thanks!
I plan to update my blog each day with information regarding homework, projects and important school news, so please check it regularly. Your child will also be recording homework assignments in his/her planner. Unless otherwise noted, homework is due the following day.
Please give me a call, send an email, or just drop by if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to meeting you all!
Mrs. Koue
Read: 30 minutes
"Got Goals?" worksheet
Here is a list of the supplies I would like my 5th grade students to have:
*one small three-ring binder
*binder paper
*two spiral notebooks - single subject/wide ruled
*two twin pocket folders (paper ones are fine)
*several #2 pencils
*set of colored pencils
*personal pencil sharpener
*two of each - blue and red ball point pens
*small scissors
*a chapter book for silent reading time
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