Wednesday, August 16, 2017


We had a great first day. I have a wonderful group of students, all very respectful and motivated. I am looking forward to a great year with them!

I sent home the beginning-of-the-year packet today.  It contains important information regarding school policies, rules and internet use. You will also find your child's yellow emergency card enclosed. Please fill this out and return it to school as soon as possible. Thanks!

I plan to update my blog each day with information regarding homework, projects and important school news, so please check it regularly. Your child will also be recording homework assignments in his/her planner (I didn't receive these until after school today and will pass them out tomorrow). Unless otherwise noted, homework is due the following day.

Please give me a call, send an email, or just drop by if you have any questions or concerns.  I look forward to meeting you all!

Mrs. Koue

Read: 30 minutes
Complete the "Got Goals" sheet.

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