Monday, March 16, 2015

We composed some good interview questions for the heritage report today in class.  I've told everyone to gather information over the next few weeks and be ready to start writing on Monday, April 13.

I also talked about the third trimester book report today.  I will hand out guidelines and actually begin the report tomorrow.  Most of this report will be completed in class.

I just received confirmation on the date for our Elementary Law field trip. It is scheduled for Friday, April 17.  It's a wonderful experience for the kids, and I hope all parents who would like to join us do!


Read: 30 min.  Be sure to bring your book report book to class tomorrow.
Math:  Homework #6, problems 1, 2, and 3.
Social Studies:  Study for Thursday's test.  Use your study guide and note sheets.
News Team #3: Prepare for Friday's presentation.
*Heritage Report:  Begin gathering information!

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