Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Read: 30 minutes.  The last day to take AR tests for this trimester is Friday, 3/7.
Science:  The Weather Project is due tomorrow.  I've included the guidelines for the written portion of the project below.
Language: Finish the rough draft of your survival story.
Social Studies:  The colonial newspaper is due on Friday.
Vocabulary:  Homework due on Fri.

Weather Project – Written Explanation

On a piece of binder paper, please write the following explanation.  Be sure to write a paragraph for each of the two sections. 

            1.  Identify the kind of weather station you have built and explain how it works and what it measures.

            2.  Explain how you made your weather station.  What materials did    you use?  How did you put it together?  Easy parts?  Hard parts?

Your writing should be neat and contain correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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