Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I sent home corrected work today - the last grades that will be included in the first trimester report card.  I also talked to my students today about late work and how I will handle this issue from this point on.  I feel that these past first months of school have been a training period where I have introduced my procedures and expectations and have allowed time and support for everyone to understand and to follow them. During this second grading period I will expect that class assignments and homework be turned in on time.   If an assignment is turned in late, I will mark it down a full grade unless it is accompanied by a note from the student's parent.  If a student continues to turn in late work, I will stop accepting it.
Fortunately, the majority of my students consistently turn in work on time. I really appreciate their good study habits and the excellent support that you provide for them.  Thank you!

Tomorrow I will be introducing our first research report of the year. The topic will be national parks, and we will be viewing possible choices during our computer lab time. I will send home a list of parks tomorrow and would like everyone to decide on one by next Monday. We will begin taking notes in class next week.


Read:  30 min.
Math:  pg. 113 (all) and 114 (choose 3)
"Now and Then" poster:  Write 4 captions for your Puritan pictures.  Remember to use your social studies books to find exact information.  Your captions should be 2-3 sentences each and carefully edited.  You will add them to your poster tomorrow.
The Sign of the Beaver: Vocabulary test on Friday.

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