Thursday, November 21, 2013


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review Worksheet
"Then and Now" poster due tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Today I sent home the guidelines for our Poetry Cafe activity which will be due on Friday, Dec. 6. I will be encouraging my students to read poems by different poets, especially ones they are not already familiar with. I would really love for everyone to discover a new poet and new poetry that he or she finds interesting and engaging. We will share ideas about possible poet choices tomorrow in class.  *I have included the guidelines below.


Read:  30 min.
Math: pg. 127
Social Studies: Study for tomorrow's test.
National Park Report:  Continue to find information.  You should have notes for park history, statistics, and climate by now.
Poetry Cafe:  Think about some possible poets you can share with your classmates tomorrow. 

“Poetry Cafe”
         Let’s go back in time when things were groovy and beatniks were cool...  For this beret-wearing, finger-snapping activity you will need to do the following.  Dig it?

*Choose a poet and read several of her or his poems.

* Prepare an oral presentation.
         1.  Memorize one poem of at least 10 lines or two if shorter to present to the class.
         2.  Briefly tell why you chose this poem(s) and discuss what you                 like about it.  You can talk about the poem’s meaning, its rhythm and rhyme, its imagery, and its poetic language.  Discuss at least 2 of these elements using examples from the poem for support.

* Complete a worksheet that will address different aspects of your poem(s).  Neatness and accuracy count!

*The due date for this event is Friday, December 7.
         So wear black and be there or be square.  Cool, Daddy-o...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. 125 (all) and 126 (choose 3)
Vocabulary:  Homework due tomorrow.
Social Studies:  Study for test on Thursday.  "Then and Now" poster is due on Friday.  Turn in all your  Chapter 5 workbook pages ("Settling New England" and "New England's Economy") by tomorrow.
National Park Report:  Bring in information and your report folder.  We'll continue taking notes tomorrow.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Read:  30 min.
Math:  pg. 123 (all) and 124 (choose 3)
Vocabulary: Homework due on Wednesday.
Social Studies:  Study for Thursday's test.  Use your study guide.  "Then and Now" poster is due on Friday.
National Park Report:  Bring information to class.  We will begin our note taking tomorrow.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Read: 30 min.
Math:  pg.  117
Study for tomorrow's vocabulary test.
National Park Report:  Make your final decision and do a little research.  Bring whatever information you can to school on Monday.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My students will be doing their first research report of the year over the next several weeks. The topic will be a national park. I sent home a complete list of parks and guidelines for the report today. We will be taking notes, outlining, and writing the rough draft of the report in class. The final draft will be assigned as homework. I will provide books, encyclopedias, and internet sources, but any other information they can bring from home would be great.
Most kids have already chosen a park, but I told them they could do some further searching and let me know by this Friday.  The National Park Service is a good internet source to check out some of the parks before your child makes a final decision.  The due date for this report is Wednesday, 12/18.


Read:  30 min.
Math:  pg. 115 (all) and 116 (choose 3)
The Sign of the Beaver vocabulary test: Fri.
*Show your parents the National Parks Report guidelines and choose a park by Friday.  Be sure to bring your report folder back to class tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I sent home corrected work today - the last grades that will be included in the first trimester report card.  I also talked to my students today about late work and how I will handle this issue from this point on.  I feel that these past first months of school have been a training period where I have introduced my procedures and expectations and have allowed time and support for everyone to understand and to follow them. During this second grading period I will expect that class assignments and homework be turned in on time.   If an assignment is turned in late, I will mark it down a full grade unless it is accompanied by a note from the student's parent.  If a student continues to turn in late work, I will stop accepting it.
Fortunately, the majority of my students consistently turn in work on time. I really appreciate their good study habits and the excellent support that you provide for them.  Thank you!

Tomorrow I will be introducing our first research report of the year. The topic will be national parks, and we will be viewing possible choices during our computer lab time. I will send home a list of parks tomorrow and would like everyone to decide on one by next Monday. We will begin taking notes in class next week.


Read:  30 min.
Math:  pg. 113 (all) and 114 (choose 3)
"Now and Then" poster:  Write 4 captions for your Puritan pictures.  Remember to use your social studies books to find exact information.  Your captions should be 2-3 sentences each and carefully edited.  You will add them to your poster tomorrow.
The Sign of the Beaver: Vocabulary test on Friday.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Read:  30 min.
Math: Review
Sign of the Beaver vocabulary: Finish homework
News Team #4: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Read: 30 min.
Math:  pg. 111 (all) and 112 (choose 3)
Science test tomorrow
Vocabulary and News Team #4: Friday

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. 107
Finish final draft of scary story.
Science:  Test on Thurs.
Vocabulary and News Team #4: Fri.

Monday, November 4, 2013

This is the last week of the first trimester!  I will be sending home corrected work tomorrow along with any outstanding late work notices.  All missing work must be turned in this week.  Thanks.


Read:  30 min.  The last day to take an AR test for this trimester is this Friday.
Math:  pg. 99 (all) and 100 (choose 3)
Scary "vignette": Final draft is due on Wednesday.
Science: Study for Thursday's test.
Sign of the Beaver vocabulary:  Homework due on Friday.
News Team #4:  Friday