Tuesday, May 29, 2012

These final two weeks of school are chock full of events!  The 6th graders will be going to International Games this Thursday and to Camp Koinonia on Friday.  The 5th graders will be going on the annual 5th grade Boardwalk trip next Tuesday.  Finally, everyone will participate in the beach clean-up scheduled for June 7.  The other 6th grade classes will be ordering pizza that day, and my class is excited about doing this as well.  The cost for this is $5 per student.  I know this is a lot at an already busy time of year and truly appreciate your involvement!
***6th graders, please show your parents the check sheet I gave you today listing all your events.


Social Studies: power point presentation and lesson
Finish reading Harriet Tubman by Thursday.

Environmental speech and power point presentation due tomorrow

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