Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Keep reading!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Read: As much as you can. Last day to take an AR test is this Friday!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Remember to bring in the permission slip for Family Life which will be presented next Tuesday.


Read: 30 min.
States and Capitals test: Study for tomorrow's test!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I sent home the permission slips for our Family Life program which will be presented next Tuesday, May 30.  Please sign and send the form back to school as soon as possible.  Mrs. Dorney has sent all parents information regarding the program via email.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!


Read: 30 min.
States and Capitals test: Friday.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I apologize for not posting yesterday - it's been crazy busy lately!  Anyway, I hope you got a chance to review your child's corrected work that I sent home yesterday.  Today I handed back the heritage reports.  They were wonderful, and I appreciate the time and effort put into them.


Read: 30 min.  The final day to take an AR test is Friday, June, 2.
States and Capitals test:  This Friday.

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Finish your heritage report. 

Bring in your payment for the Boardwalk if you still need to do so.  Tomorrow is the last day to receive the discounted price!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Read: 30 min.  The last day to take AR tests is Friday, June 2.
Science: Study for tomorrow's test.
Heritage Report: Due on Friday.
States and Capitals test: Friday, Mary 26.

***Remember to turn in your money for the Boardwalk wristband by this Friday.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Science: Study for Thursday's test.
Heritage Report: Continue to work on your final draft.  Due on Friday.
States and Capitals test: Friday, 5/26.

Monday, May 15, 2017

We had a fun on the farm today, learning about growing crops, composting, organic pest control and even chicken handling!  Many thanks to all parents who drove.

We have one more section of the state testing which I will administer tomorrow.  The kids have been troopers through this process, and I appreciate their excellent effort.

The Heritage Report is due this Friday. I will continue to assign final draft paragraphs for homework each night this week.  I'm reminding everyone to check the final draft guideline sheets I gave them.

Reminder:  If your child needs to purchase an unlimited rides wristband for the Boardwalk trip, payment must be made by this Friday, 5/19.   Thanks!


Read: 30 min.
Continue to work on your Heritage Report.
Science: Study for Thursday's quiz.  Use your study guide.
States and Capitals test: Friday, May 26. I will go over the format of the test tomorrow.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Just a reminder that we will be attending the UCSC Life Lab next Monday.  Thanks to all parents who have offered to drive.  We will leave school at 9:15 and will return by 1:30.  Your child will need to bring a sack lunch that day.  Thanks!


Read: 30 min.
Heritage Report: Continue to work on your rough draft paragraphs (one or two a night). Due: 5/19.
The 50 States and Capitals test: Friday, May 26.  We'll be reviewing in class as well.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

We have completed the English/Language Arts portion of the state testing.  Tomorrow we will begin the math section.  The kids are doing an awesome job!


Read: 30 min.
Heritage Report:  Continue to write one or two final draft paragraphs each night.  Report due on 5/19.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Two important announcements about upcoming class trips:

1)  I need to change the date that Boardwalk payments are due.  The new final due date to turn in money for the wristband is Friday, May 19.  This will give the school treasurer ample time to make out a check to cover the cost for the entire 5th grade.  Thank you!

2)  As of today, I don't have enough drivers for the UCSC Life Lab trip next Monday.  I have drivers to take 17 students.  I can take 3 myself, but we will still be 9 short.  I know this is such a busy time of year, but if you think you might be able to help, please let me know.  Thanks again!


Read: 30 min.
Heritage Report:  Continue to work on your final draft paragraphs - one or two per night.

Monday, May 8, 2017

It was so nice to see you all at Open House last week.  Your children have done wonderful work this year and it was fun showing it all off!

I started assigning final draft paragraphs of the heritage report today and will continue to do this through next week.  I sent home some final report information today and told everyone to refer to these pages while completing the report.  The report is due on Friday, May 19.  Early submissions are welcome!

I also sent home the permission slip for our end-of-the-year trip to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.  We will be going on Wednesday, June 7.  We will leave school at 10:15 and will return around 3:30.  Please remember to arrange transportation home for your child.  Thanks!


Read: 30 min.
Heritage Report:  Write the final draft of the one or two paragraphs. Remember to check the final draft tips I gave you today.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Come to Open House!!!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Read: 30 min.
Study for tomorrow's social studies test.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

I sent home the permissions slips for the Life Lab field trip today.  I also sent home corrected work.


Read: 30 min.
Poems: Six final drafts due tomorrow.
Social Studies Ch. 10 test: Thursday.

Monday, May 1, 2017

We have our trip to the UCSC Life Lab scheduled for Monday, May 15.  I will be sending home permission slips and requests for drivers tomorrow.


Read: 30 min.
Final drafts of six poems: Due on Wednesday.
Social Studies: Chapter 10 test on Thursday.  Use your study guide!