Thursday, April 28, 2016

Our courtroom play went off exceptionally well today!  I truly appreciate my students' enthusiasm and wonderful effort throughout the entire process.  Well done, everyone!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework #8, problems 1 and 2.
Book Report:  Bring all final draft parts of your report to class tomorrow.  We will assemble the books then.
Heritage Report:  Continue to write one or two paragraphs a night.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

We are all looking forward to our trip to court tomorrow!  Cast members, please remember to practice your lines and to bring your scripts to class.


Read:  30 min.
Math: Half sheet
Book Report:  Due on Friday.  Have all your pieces, both the pictures and the writing ready to go and we'll make the covers and assemble them in class.
Heritage Report:  Work on the final draft.  I know I haven't gone over how to write the introduction and the conclusion of the report but plan to do this on Friday.
Vocabulary: Quiz on Fri.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I sent home the third trimester progress report today.  Please go over this report with your child and sign the accompanying half sheet.  We still have over a month left of school, and I will be averaging in more scores in each subject area before completing final report cards.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework #7, problems 1 and 2.
Heritage Report:  Continue writing a paragraph or two a night. 
Book Report: Due on Friday.
Elementary Law Vocabulary: Quiz on Friday.

Monday, April 25, 2016

My students will begin writing the final draft of their heritage reports for homework this week. I've asked them to complete one or two paragraphs per night.   I attached a final draft info sheet below.  The completed report is due on Wed., May 11.

Our trip to the Watsonville Courthouse is this Thursday.  Our play will take place at noon in one of the courtrooms on the third floor.  Everyone is invited to come, even if you did not sign up to drive.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework #6, problems 1 and 2.
Book Report: Due on Friday.
Heritage Report: Due on 5/11.

Heritage Report - Final Draft Tips

* The final draft of your report should be neatly and legibly handwritten or typed (preferably double spaced) on one side of your paper only.

* Your introduction should be on a separate piece of paper.

* Organize the body of your report in chronological order, beginning with your oldest known relatives on one side of your family (maternal or paternal) and then do the same for the other side.  These can be two separate sections.  The third section should be about your immediate family - your parents, siblings and you! 

* Write one or two paragraphs per person, depending on how much information you have.  If you only have a small amount of information about your great-grandparents (or whoever) you may talk about both in one paragraph.

 * You may copy pictures (or include real photos) and use them throughout your report.  I can make copies here at school if you like.

* Your conclusion should be written on a separate piece of paper.

* Your cover should be colorful and complete (see guidelines.)

* Your finished report should be presented in a clear cover folder or binder.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Read: 30 min.  Read pages 75 - 86 in Al Capone Does My Shirts.
Social Studies:  Finish the final draft of your writing for the Constitution project.
Vocabulary:  Homework due tomorrow.
News Team #4: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework #2, problems 1, 2 and 3.
Preamble: Memorize for tomorrow.
Social Studies: Constitution project paragraph due on Friday.  This can be typed or neatly handwritten.
Vocabulary: Fri.
News Team #4: Fri.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Many thanks to all parents who have volunteered to drive to the Watsonville Courthouse on the 28th.  I have plenty of drivers (everyone is welcome!) and will probably ask that parents double up. I will confirm with you all later this week.

I sent home the pledge sheet for the Jog-A-Thon which will happen on Friday, April 29.


Read: 30 min.  Part of this time can be spent reading Chapters 5 and 6 in Al Capone Does My Shirts.  
Preamble of the U.S. Constitution: Memorize for Wednesday.
Vocabulary: Homework due on Friday.
News Team #4: Prepare for Friday's presentation.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish review sheet.
Science: Study for tomorrow's quiz.
*Memorize the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution for next Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I sent home corrected work today.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review sheet
Science: Study for Friday's quiz.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I handed out specific guidelines for the Heritage Report today which I have also included below.  I am helping the kids organize their information and will give them time in class each day (until the end of next week) to write their rough drafts.  Any unfinished rough drafts and the final drafts of the report will be assigned as homework.  The final report is due on Wednesday, May 11.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review sheet.  I will give the End-of-Module 5 test on Friday.
*Keep adding to your Heritage Report notes if you need to!

Heritage Report Guidelines - Date Due__Wednesday, May 11__
Your report must include the following:

1.  An illustrated (you may use photos) cover which includes the title of your report, your name, your grade, and due date.

2.  Table of contents

3.  Introduction (on a separate page)

4.  Main body of the report

5.  Conclusion (separate page)

6.  Glossary of new words

8.  At least one illustration or photograph (you may include as many as you like)

9.  Bibliography with a list of the people you interviewed and any written information you used (I will help you with the correct arrangement)

10.  The interview notes you used for this report

You will write a rough draft of your report (mostly in class) and will complete the final draft at home.  Your report should be neatly and accurately handwritten or typed. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

I sent home the permission slips for our Elementary Law field trip today.  The trip is scheduled for Thursday, April 28.  Everyone is welcomed to come and watch our "cookie" play!

We will begin writing the rough draft of the heritage report tomorrow.  Please be sure your child brings in all his/her interview notes.  Thanks.


Read: 30 min. 
Book Report: Finish and edit the "Rising Action" and "Climax/Resolution" sections of the report.
Math: Problem Sets #17 and #18, problem 1 for each.  Use the templates in the packet for reference.
Science: Finish "How Does Uneven Heating of Earth Affect Weather?" packet.  Study for Friday's weather quiz.
Heritage Report:  Bring all your notes to class tomorrow.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Read: 30 min.
Book Report: Finish and correct "Problem" paragraph.
Math: Homework #16, problems 1 and 2 (a).
News Team #3: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.
Heritage Report: Continue to work on notes.  Please bring your notes to class next Monday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Read: 30 min. 
Book Report: Finish and correct rough draft of Character/Setting paragraph.  We will write the final draft in class.
Language: Finish final draft of survival story.  Be sure to turn in your rough draft along with the final tomorrow.
News Team #3: Friday.
Heritage Report: Continue to collect information.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Read: 30 min.  Please bring your book report book to class tomorrow.  We will begin the book report first thing in the morning.
Math: Homework #14, problem #1.
Language:  Final draft of story is due on Thursday.
News Team #3: Friday
Heritage Report: Interview notes due next Monday.

Monday, April 4, 2016

I hope you all enjoyed a fun and restful break.  We are off and running now on the home stretch of 5th grade!


Read: 30 min.  Please bring your book report book to class tomorrow.
Math: Homework #13, problems 1and 2.
Language: Finish final draft of "survival" story by this Thursday.  Remember to carefully read and edit your final draft before you turn it in!
News Team #3: Prepare for Friday.
Heritage Report:  Continue to work on interview notes.  We will begin the rough draft of the report next week.