Monday, October 31, 2011

We all enjoyed fun Halloween happenings today. The sixth graders celebrated with all their 6th friends at a grade level party, while my fifth graders had a cool crepe making (and eating) party here in class. Thanks so much to all my parents who helped out. The kids had a blast!

No homework tonight. Happy Halloween!

A few reminders for this week:

5th - Science test this Wed.; News Team #4 due on Fri.

6th - Speech due on Thurs.

The end of the first trimester is this Friday. Remember to take any AR tests on books you've read by then.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Math: review sheet
SS: Finish Egypt map.
Finish vocabulary.
News Team #2

Math: review sheet
SS: Finish Puritan fact sheet.
Finish vocabulary.
News Team #3

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Math: pg. 67 & 68 #1-7
Social Studies: Practice Book pg. 35
Vocab. and News Team #2 due on Fri.
***"How To" speech due on Thursday, 11/3

Math: Textbook pg. 224 #3-16; challenge sheet
Vocab. and News Team #3 due on Fri.

Monday, October 24, 2011

We welcomed our 6th grade campers back today. They were all very excited with news of their outdoor school adventures! I'm so glad I was able to share a good bit of the experience with them.
It was also great to be with my 5th graders on Wed.-Fri. Pizza and a movie last Friday was fun!


Read for AR

Math: pg. 61-62 #1-6
Final draft of Holes paragraph
Vocabulary: packet due on Fri.
News Team #2 - Fri.
***Look over "How To" speech guidelines. We'll discuss these and any questions you have tomorrow. Your speech is due on Thursday, 11/2.

Math: pg. 89 (all) and 90 (choose 3)
Vocabulary: packet due on Fri.
News Team #3 - Fri.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our pizza lunch is on for tomorrow! Please bring in your $5.00 if you haven't already done so. Thanks.


Read: 30 min.
Finish all museum pieces and be ready to assemble your exhibit!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


After spending two days with my 6th graders at science camp, I'm back in class and enjoying teaching time with my 5th graders. We had a fun day of science, both indoors and out. Be sure to ask your child for details!
We talked about having a pizza lunch on Friday which, of course, everyone is very excited about. $5 per student will cover pizza, bread sticks, chicken wings, veggies and dip, and drinks.
Please let me know if this works for you, and I'll check in with your children tomorrow to confirm.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: benchmark review
Language: Finish verb packet. Be sure to complete one of the two writing activities.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Math: Finish practice pages.
Holes: Work on activity sheets.
SS: Study!

Math: Textbook pg. 182 #1-15
SS: Study!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Read: Finish Holes and read for AR.
Complete Holes theme sheet.
Study for social studies test.

Finish writing piece for colony museum.
Study for social studies test.

Remember we will be going to Aptos Jr. High tomorrow. Thank you to all my parents who are driving. See you tomorrow at 8:30!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Read: Holes through Chapter 44
Math: review
Study for Friday's social studies test.
News Team #1: Prep for Fri.

Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. 75 (all) 76(choose 3)
Social Studies: Work on written piece for museum project - due Thurs.
Study for Friday's social studies test.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Read: Holes - Chapters 35&36
Math: pg. 57 & 58 #1-6
Vocabulary: Finish homework and study words.
Finish final draft of "How To" essay.
Finish "A Sumerian Story."

Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. 67 (all) and 68 (choose 3)
Finish final draft of "Frustration" essay.
Study Terabithia vocabulary.
News Team #4: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Read: Holes - Chapts. 31-34
Math: pg. 55&56 #1-6; review sheet
SS: Complete practice book pages 23-28.
Vocabulary homework (Fri.)

Read: 30 min.
SS: Complete practice book pages 35,36, & 40.
Study vocabulary (Fri.)
News Team #4 (Fri.)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Read: Holes, Chapts. 29&30
Math: pg. 53&54 #1-6; review sheet
Finish book report.

Math: review sheet
Finish book report

Monday, October 3, 2011


The fifth grade trip to NASA last Friday was a huge success! Thanks again to all my parents who drove.
All sixth graders attended an informational meeting today about science camp. Please ask your child about this if you weren't able to attend. All forms and payment for science camp is due this Friday, Oct. 7. Thanks!
I sent home permission slips for an upcoming trip to Aptos Junior High to see a performance of Sleeping Beauty. I'll need drivers for this short trip, so please let me know if you can help out.

Have a good week.
Mrs. Koue


Everyone: Read for at least 30 min. each night.

Math: pg. 51&52
Book Report: due on Wed. Be sure to use your checklist.
Vocabulary: Homework is due on Fri.

Math: pg. 63 (all) 64 (choose 3)
Book Report: due on Wed. Use your checklist.
Vocabulary: Study for Friday's test.
News Team #4: Prepare for Friday's presentation.