Monday, February 28, 2011

Please remember to sign and return the Family Life permission slips. The parent information night will be at Valencia School tomorrow night at 6:30.


Read:30 min.
Math: HB pg. 209 (all) and 210 (choose 3)
Finish final draft of survival story

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Read: 30 min.; Bring in your Book Log tomorrow.
Math Review
Finish Colonial newspaper if necessary.
News Team #4: Prepare for tomorrow.
***Have your parents read and sign the Family Life permission form.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I want to once more thank all my parents who stoically braved a wet, cold day on the farm at UCSC last Friday. The kids all had a great time - in spite of the weather!
Family Life Education is coming soon! A parent information night is scheduled for next Tuesday, March 1, at 6:30 at Valencia School. I'm sorry for the last minute notice, but we just received the information this week. I will be sending home permission slips for your child to participate in this program tomorrow. The slips have detailed information regarding the program.
As we wind down to the end of the second trimester, our homework focuses on two projects: the colonial newspaper and the survival story. I've told my students they need to bring both to school each day in order to work on them.
A final note: I really appreciate how routinely the yellow half sheets come back to me signed each week. It's so important that you all are continually aware of your children's progress. Thank you for reviewing your child's work and signing the sheet!
Have a good rest of the week.

Mrs. Koue


Read - Bring in Reading Log this Friday.
Math Review
Survival Story: Finish rough draft and self-edit
Colonial Newspaper due on Friday
News Team #4: Prepare for Friday's presentation

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Finish book report - due tomorrow
Math Review

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our field trip is still on for tomorrow. The kids will be under shelters for most of the activities, but please have them wear hooded jackets and rain boots if possible. Everyone needs to bring a lunch - the staff at the lab encourages lunch boxes, but bags are OK too.
Parent drivers, we will meet in the classroom at about 9 and leave at 9:15.

Thank you!


Read - Remember that your book report is due next Wednesday.
Math: HB pg. 203
Survival Story: Continue to work on your rough draft if you have not yet completed it. Spend about a half an hour on it, and if you are close to the end, try to finish it.
SS: Study for test

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 201 (all) and 202 (choose 3)
Sam: Read Chapter 7 and answer questions
SS: Study (test on Friday)

***Corrected work folders went home today!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Valentine's Breakfast last Friday was wonderful. Thanks again to everyone who helped out!
Our field trip to the UCSC Life Lab is this Friday. I will be confirming with parent drivers later today. A few students have not yet turned in their permission slips and money. Please do so as soon as possible. Thanks.
I finally have a confirmed date for our Elementary Law mock trial. It is Thursday, April 7. I'll send home more detailed information soon. Please try to attend this event if you can - it's a good one!
Have a good week.


Math: Textbook pg. 465 and pg. 469
Language: Survival story planner
Social Studies: Begin studying for Friday's test

*** Book Report due on Wed., Feb. 23 (Remember that this report is to be completed as homework.)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our well walk trip was great! Thanks again to my parent helpers.


Read: Chapt. 3 of My Brother Sam; complete question and vocabulary sheet
Language: Finish "Picture This" activity
News Team #3: Prepare for tomorrow
No math tonight!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just a reminder that our well walk trip is tomorrow at 10:15. Thanks again to all my parents who are walking along with us.

***Our Valentine's Breakfast is this Friday at 8:10 in the MPR. Please send in $5.00 if you haven't already done so. Parent volunteers will be purchasing food for the event tomorrow morning. Thank you!


Math: HB pg. 195 (all)and 196 (Choose 3)
Science: Study for test

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I sent home the guidelines for the book report today. Please go over the requirements with your child. This report will be completed as homework and is due on Wed., 2/23.
I also sent home a copy of the thank you note sent to our class from Jacob's Heart. They were very appreciative of our Christmas gift.


Math worksheet
Social Studies: HB pgs. 82-84
Science: Study for test
News Team #3: Prepare for Friday

Monday, February 7, 2011


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 185
SS. Finish second news story (edit carefully)
Science: Begin studying for Thursday's test

*Our well walk is this Thursday. I will be calling to confirm chaperones later today.
*Corrected work folders will go home tomorrow.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Read - Remember that the non-fiction book report will be assigned next Mon.
Math: Review
Spelling: Finish homework and study
Sign of the Beaver: Journal due tomorrow
News Team #2: Prepare for tomorrow's presentation

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Math: "Stained Glass" worksheet (you don't have to do the "Triangle" side) and review problems
Finish news story and carefully edit it.
Study Sign of the Beaver vocabulary.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I forgot to mention yesterday that I asked anyone who was interested to complete an activity in the "Our Water Works" booklet I handed out last week. The assignment on pg. 12 asks your child to keep track of how much water he/she uses in one day (this can be a family total as well). This is not a required activity but will count as extra credit. We will share our results on Friday!


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 175 (all) and 176 (choose 4)
Language: Write final draft of Sign of the Beaver paragraph