Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Read - 30 min.
Finish written and oral report!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello and happy last week of the first half of 5th grade!!!
Excitement is in the air as we approach the winter break! I know things can get pretty hectic, juggling all the activities that take place this time of year with the usual school schedule. Thank you for helping your child stay focused on her or his school work during these final days.
Homework this week will consist only of the national park written and oral reports which are due on Wednesday. We worked on the posters in class today and will continue to do so tomorrow (don't forget to bring them back to school).

Looking ahead to 2010...I have scheduled a few field trips and will give you the dates now so you can put them on your calendar.

UCSC Life Lab: 2/12
Santa Cruz Symphony: 3/1
Elementary Law (Watsonville Courthouse): 3/11
I am also planning a trip to the National Weather Station in Monterey but don't have a date yet.


Mrs. Koue


Read - 30 min.
Work on park report

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Finish brochure (use checklist)
Report: Final draft of "Interesting Facts" or the next paragraph you need to complete
Crispin: Finish worksheets and study vocabulary for tomorrow's test

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish pg. 107 in Homework Book
Brochure: Edit paragraphs for 2nd and 3rd panels; finish cover and work on inside pictures
Study Crispin vocabulary

***Great job today, everyone! I thought our poetry cafe was very cool!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We were talking in class today about holiday activities and decided that instead of a $5.00 gift exchange with classmates we would prefer to donate our money to a local charity. We decided on Jacob's Heart, an organization that supports families with children who have cancer. We thought $5.00 per student would be reasonable - but there's no obligation. Please do what works best for you. Thanks.
Remember that our poetry cafe will begin first thing tomorrow morning! Please come prepared!


Read: 30 min.
Finish preparing for poetry reading
Report: Final drafts of "Places of Interest" & "Popular Activities"
Middle Colonies brochure: Edit rough draft of first topic (one paragraph)
Study Crispin Vocabulary (test on Friday)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Our "poetry cafe" is scheduled for this Wednesday morning beginning around 8:00. We will enjoy apple cider and treats as we listen to inspiring poems!
I hope setting deadlines for parts of the national park report is helpful. Everyone is working hard in class. I will be giving everyone guidelines for the short oral presentation and a checklist for the final written report tomorrow.
Have a good week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
Report: Final drafts of "Wildlife" and Plant Life" paragraphs
Crispin: Begin studying vocabulary for Friday's test
Practice poem

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I have begun to assign final draft portions of the report for homework this week. Last night I asked that everyone write the introduction and park history paragraphs (I didn't post a blog yesterday, but most of my students completed these paragraphs.) I will continue to assign 2-3 paragraphs per night from now on. Keeping to these individual deadlines should help everyone avoid a last minute crunch! I handed out guidelines for how to write the final draft and will give the kids a checklist for the entire report early next week.


Read: 30 min.
Math worksheet
Report: Final drafts of "General Statistics" and "Climate" (Remember that you should already have written the Introduction and "Park History."
Finish designing your brochure cover - rough draft copy only!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Read: Crispin - Chapters 36-38
Math: Textbook - pg. 243 Set B 1-9; pg. 245 1-6
Study for science test
Remember to bring national park notes to class. Be sure your notes are complete.
***I will start assigning final draft portions of your report beginning tomorrow. I'll break it down into small parts, so it should be very manageable.