Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Read - 30 min.
Finish written and oral report!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello and happy last week of the first half of 5th grade!!!
Excitement is in the air as we approach the winter break! I know things can get pretty hectic, juggling all the activities that take place this time of year with the usual school schedule. Thank you for helping your child stay focused on her or his school work during these final days.
Homework this week will consist only of the national park written and oral reports which are due on Wednesday. We worked on the posters in class today and will continue to do so tomorrow (don't forget to bring them back to school).

Looking ahead to 2010...I have scheduled a few field trips and will give you the dates now so you can put them on your calendar.

UCSC Life Lab: 2/12
Santa Cruz Symphony: 3/1
Elementary Law (Watsonville Courthouse): 3/11
I am also planning a trip to the National Weather Station in Monterey but don't have a date yet.


Mrs. Koue


Read - 30 min.
Work on park report

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Finish brochure (use checklist)
Report: Final draft of "Interesting Facts" or the next paragraph you need to complete
Crispin: Finish worksheets and study vocabulary for tomorrow's test

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Finish pg. 107 in Homework Book
Brochure: Edit paragraphs for 2nd and 3rd panels; finish cover and work on inside pictures
Study Crispin vocabulary

***Great job today, everyone! I thought our poetry cafe was very cool!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We were talking in class today about holiday activities and decided that instead of a $5.00 gift exchange with classmates we would prefer to donate our money to a local charity. We decided on Jacob's Heart, an organization that supports families with children who have cancer. We thought $5.00 per student would be reasonable - but there's no obligation. Please do what works best for you. Thanks.
Remember that our poetry cafe will begin first thing tomorrow morning! Please come prepared!


Read: 30 min.
Finish preparing for poetry reading
Report: Final drafts of "Places of Interest" & "Popular Activities"
Middle Colonies brochure: Edit rough draft of first topic (one paragraph)
Study Crispin Vocabulary (test on Friday)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Our "poetry cafe" is scheduled for this Wednesday morning beginning around 8:00. We will enjoy apple cider and treats as we listen to inspiring poems!
I hope setting deadlines for parts of the national park report is helpful. Everyone is working hard in class. I will be giving everyone guidelines for the short oral presentation and a checklist for the final written report tomorrow.
Have a good week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
Report: Final drafts of "Wildlife" and Plant Life" paragraphs
Crispin: Begin studying vocabulary for Friday's test
Practice poem

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I have begun to assign final draft portions of the report for homework this week. Last night I asked that everyone write the introduction and park history paragraphs (I didn't post a blog yesterday, but most of my students completed these paragraphs.) I will continue to assign 2-3 paragraphs per night from now on. Keeping to these individual deadlines should help everyone avoid a last minute crunch! I handed out guidelines for how to write the final draft and will give the kids a checklist for the entire report early next week.


Read: 30 min.
Math worksheet
Report: Final drafts of "General Statistics" and "Climate" (Remember that you should already have written the Introduction and "Park History."
Finish designing your brochure cover - rough draft copy only!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Read: Crispin - Chapters 36-38
Math: Textbook - pg. 243 Set B 1-9; pg. 245 1-6
Study for science test
Remember to bring national park notes to class. Be sure your notes are complete.
***I will start assigning final draft portions of your report beginning tomorrow. I'll break it down into small parts, so it should be very manageable.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hello everyone,
As the countdown to the holiday break begins, I want to give you an overview of the next three weeks...
* Science test: Thurs., 12/4
* Poetry Cafe: Wed., 12/9
* Middle Colonies Brochure: Fri. 12/11 (We will be working on this in class.)
* National Park Report and presentation: Wed. 12/16.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 97
Social studies: Begin note sheet for brochure. Choose at least 2 topics and jot down notes from your book.
Bring in notes for your national park report.
Science: Study for Thursday's test

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Read: 30 min. Through Chapt. 27 in Crispin
Math: Review
Spelling: Finish homework and study
News Team #1: Practice presentation

***Homework for over the Thanksgiving holiday:
1. Finish note cards for the national parks report. We will begin writing the rough draft of the report as soon as we return from the break.

2. I will send home an assignment sheet for Crispin.

3. Review the science study guide we completed in class today. We will have a test on Thursday, Dec. 3.

Thanks and have a wonderful week.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Mrs. Koue

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I sent home information about our December poetry activity, "Poetry Cafe," today. I'd like to set up our classroom to look like a '50s beatnik hangout if possible for the event. I may need some help with this and will keep you updated with my thoughts after the Thanksgiving break. In the meantime, I'd like my students to be reading poems by different poets and choose one they particularly enjoy. I will give them a list of possible poets and some sample poems before the end of this week.
I will be assigning some homework over the break. Please look for these assignments on Thursday's blog.



Read: Crispin through Chapt. 22
Math: Homework Book pg. 95
Study for tomorrow's social studies test
News Team #1

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Read: Crispen - Chapts. 18 through 20
Math: Textbook pg. 224 15-20; pg.225 1-6
Language: Dialogue sheet
Study for social studies test (Thurs.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

I sent home the guidelines for the national park report today. Please take a look at it with your child. We will be taking notes for the report in class this week. I've asked everyone to bring in at least one source tomorrow. My goal is to complete most of the rough draft in class. I will give deadlines for parts of the final draft report as we go along. The entire report, including the oral presentation, is due on Wednesday, Dec. 16.


Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.; Bring back signed AR goal sheet for the second trimester
Math: Review sheet
Spelling: Work on homework
Social studies: Study for test on Thursday
News Team #1: Prepare for Friday

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Remember to choose a national park! We will go over the guidelines of the report tomorrow.


Read: 30 min.
Math: HB pg. 91
Spelling: Finish homework and study
Social Studies: Finish pgs. 51-53 in homework book
Geography: Finish map and study for quiz

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My students will be doing their first research report of the year over the next several weeks. The topic will be a national park. I sent home a complete list of parks and have asked everyone to choose one by this Friday. The National Park Service is a good internet source to check out some of the parks before your child makes a final decision.
Guidelines for this report will go home this Thursday.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Worksheet
Social Studies: pgs. 47-50 in Homework Book
Geography: Finish Southeast States map and study for Friday's quiz
Continue spelling homework

Monday, November 9, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework book: pgs. 89 & 90
Spelling: Begin homework (due Friday)
Geography: Work on Southeast States map (quiz this Friday)

Have a good week. Enjoy the day off!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our trip to NASA was a huge success! The kids learned a lot and had a great time...and, of course, In-N-Out was a big hit. Thanks for all your support for trips like this one.


Take a nap after your big day and even bigger lunch.
Math review
Finish your book report
Finish the final draft of your story
News Team #4

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Remember that we plan on leaving for NASA Ames at 8:00 tomorrow. Parent drivers, please
come to class with your child so we can organize and go over directions. Also, don't forget lunch money!
Thanks and see you then.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 202 #1-5 & 10-17; pg. 130 #20-23
Work on book report
Work on final draft of story (due on Friday)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Our trip to NASA is this Thursday. Remember that we will be leaving right at 8:00 in order to make our 9:30 program. We'd like to have lunch at a nearby In N Out Burger and I've sent home info regarding this. Students can bring bag lunches as another option.
Important reminders for this week...
***All 3 pieces for the museum project are due on Wednesday. We'll assemble our exhibits in class.
***The book report is due this Friday. We began working on it today and will spend time tomorrow continuing on the rough draft.
Thanks and have a good week.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Worksheet
Vocabulary - Write the definitions of the 5 words.
News Team #4: Begin preparing for Friday
***See Above!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Read: 30 min. - Remember to bring your book report book to school next Monday!
Math: HB pg. 83
Finish chart, graph or map for museum

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Read: 30 min. (Be ready to begin book report next Monday)
Math: HB pg. 81
Study for science test
Work on museum chart, graph, or map (due on Friday)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I reviewed the book report format today and told everyone that we would work on the rough draft letter in class next Monday and Tuesday. I asked that they begin to take notes for their letters so they will be ready to go then. The final draft of the letter is due the following Friday (11/6).


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework B. pg.79
Language: Irregular Verbs
Study for science test

Monday, October 26, 2009

I sent home the guidelines for our next book report today. I will go over the format of the report in more detail tomorrow. The completed report is due on Friday, Nov. 6.
We will continue to work on the museum project this week. The written pieces look great! I've assigned the second piece - diagram, map, chart, timeline, etc. - to be completed by this Thursday. The entire project (including the art portion) is due Wed., Nov. 3.
Thanks for turning in the permission slips for our NASA trip. Thanks too to all parents who offered to drive. Specific information will be coming to you soon!

Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book 75 &76 or alternative worksheet
Finish rough draft of story
Study for Thursday's science test (use study guide)

No spelling or News Teams this week!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg.73 & 74
Finish spelling homework and study for test
Finish written piece for museum exhibit
News Team 3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oops! I neglected to send home the NASA permission slips. Please look for them tomorrow.
We have been working on our early colony museum projects in class. Each student is responsible for three pieces - a written piece, an art piece and a map, chart or diagram. I've asked that the final draft of the written piece be turned in this Friday.
Your child has a checklist with requirements for each.


Read 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pgs. 71 & 72
Study for social studies test
Work on written portion of museum project (due Friday)
Spelling homework due on Friday
News Team #3 prepare for Friday

Monday, October 19, 2009

It was so nice meeting with you all last week. I really appreciated your insights, suggestions, and, above all, the wonderful support you give your children.
Tomorrow I will be sending home the permission slips for our NASA field trip which will be on Thursday, Nov. 5. NASA will only allow 9 adult chaperones, so please respond early if you would like to drive.


Read - 30 min.
Math: worksheet
Spelling: Begin homework
Social Studies: Continue to study for test on Wednesday (use study guide)
News Team #3: Begin to prepare for Friday's presentation

Friday, October 16, 2009

***Remember to begin studying for the Chapter 4 social studies test which we will have next Wednesday. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hi Room 14 students!
Remember to be ready to recite your poem tomorrow. No other homework - yeah!

Mrs. Koue

P.S. Thanks so much to all my parents who were so flexible about changing their conference times. See you all soon.

Monday, October 12, 2009

We will be starting our early colonies museum project this week. The kids will work in small groups and each will be responsible for contributing three items to their group. The completed "exhibits" are due Oct. 29. I'll keep you updated with dates for completing individual pieces of the project.
I'm also asking everyone to be ready to recite a poem this Thursday. I would like to make this a monthly activity and plan to have a special "poetry cafe" project in December. More news regarding this later...
It was a pleasure talking today with my Monday conference families and I look forward to meeting with the rest of you as the week progresses.

Best regards,
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.; Finish reading response journal for Bridge to Terabithia
Math: Homework Book pgs. 63&64
News Team #2: Start preparing for Friday
Spelling: Begin homework (due on Friday)
Practice poem for Thursday

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Junior High play was wonderful - really one of the best I've seen. I think it's great that we have the opportunity to support the school's drama program. Also, it's fun to see former Rio students on stage! Thanks again to all my parent drivers.
The cells were all terrific, and the kids had fun showing them off. We had a cell sampling fest after lunch - yum!!


Read: 30 min; Bring in book log tomorrow
Math: Spiral review
Study vocabulary for reading test
News Team #1

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 136 #1-15
Cell project due tomorrow!

***Parent Drivers: We will be leaving school by 8:30 tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I sent home your child's conference schedule today. I look forward to meeting with you all next week.
I also passed out the October Scholastic book order today. I set up an account that allows parents to order books from home which should make this process a little easier. You will need to go to the Scholastic home page and sign on to their parent order link. The user name for our class is: rio14. The password is: scholastic. Our class receives free books when you order this way. Thanks!

Reminders...Cell Project due on Thursday; Aptos Jr. High on Thursday


Read: 30 min; book log check on Friday
Math: HB pg. 59 and half sheet review
Social Studies: Homework Book pg. 35 all and pg. 36 bottom half.
Study vocabulary
News Team #1 - Prepare for Friday

Monday, October 5, 2009

The cell project is due this Thursday. I've urged everyone to review the checklist I attached to the guidelines and to remember to include the required chart. We also have our trip to the Junior High on Thursday. Thanks to all parents who have volunteered to drive.
Have a good week!

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min. - I will be checking book logs on Friday.
Math: Homework Book - pgs. 57 & 58
Vocabulary: Study the definitions for the 15 words for Friday's final test on Bridge to Terabithia
Language: Practice Book pgs. 74 & 75

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 55
Vocabulary: Finish homework
News Team #4: Be ready to present!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Read: 30 min
Math: worksheet (math facts or enrichment)
Language: Noun sheet (rewrite the paragraphs correctly)
Study for geography quiz

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Read: Chapter 7 of Bridge to Terabithia - Answer the 3 questions.
Fill out Uniform Debate sheet
Math: Spiral Review

Geography test - Thursday
Vocabulary homework - Friday
News Team #4 - Friday

Monday, September 28, 2009

Today I sent home a permission slip for our trip to Aptos Junior High to see a performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Please let me know if you are able to drive for this event.
I've told the kids they should be reading a chapter book (fiction/at least 5th grade level) for our second book report which will be due the first week of November. Guidelines will come home in a few of weeks.



Read: 30 min.
Math: Multiple choice review
Vocabulary: Begin working on homework (No spelling test this week!)
Study for Northeastern States geography test on Thursday.
News Team #4: Begin to work on presentation

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I sent home the cell project guidelines today. Please review it with your child and note that the project is due on Thursday, Oct. 8. We'll be discussing ideas and possible materials for creating our cells tomorrow.
Also, we have begun our study of U.S. states and capitols and will have our first quiz on the Northeastern section next Wednesday.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 49 all; pg. 50 #1-4
Spelling: Study and finish homework
Geography: Finish Northeastern States map (if necessary) and begin studying states and capitols for next Wednesday's quiz
News Team #3: Be ready to present!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Read - 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 47 - all; pg. 46 - #1,2,&3; pg. 48 - #1,2,&4
Spelling homework
News Team #3: Continue to prepare

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Math: Homework Book pg. 45
Language: "Good Beginnings" paragraph;"Frustration" list (5 things)
Finish book report - Please do not staple papers together!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our first book report is due this Wednesday. My students are responsible for bringing in the completed writing and cover. We will assemble the report in class.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework book pg. 43
Spelling: Work on homework
Work on book report
News Team #3: Begin prep for Friday's presentation

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Math: Review
Spelling: Study and finish homework
News Team #2: Practice for tomorrow's presentation

***Book report is due next Wednesday. Remember to continue to work on final copy!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We continued to work on the book report in class today - I'll give everyone a little more time tomorrow to finish rough drafts. I also passed out a checklist for them to review while completing the final version of the report (due next Wednesday).


Math: Review sheet
Study for science test

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We began writing the rough draft book report paragraphs today and will finish this process tomorrow. I also went over the guidelines for the cover. I'll send a checklist home tomorrow to help with the final draft report.

Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 39
Finish exploration booklet - due tomorrow!
Work on spelling
Study for science test

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thanks for turning in the parent teacher conference forms so quickly. Those meetings will be coming up before we know it!
I've asked everyone to bring in book report books tomorrow as we will begin the writing pieces. I will also get them started on the report covers which they can continue to work on at home.
We are having our first science test this Thursday. It will cover the concepts of scientific inquiry and the scientific method.

Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min; Bring book report book to class
Math: Textbook pg. 89 1-13
Spelling: Begin homework
Social studies: Continue to work on exploration booklet
Science: Begin to study for Thursday's test
News Team #2 prepare for Friday

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I sent home the book report guidelines today. We'll be working on the rough drafts next week, beginning on Tuesday. I'll get everyone started on the cover tomorrow.


Read: 30 min. - I'll be checking book logs tomorrow!
Math: Homework book pg. 35
Social studies: Study for test; keep working on exploration booklet

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I sent home Parent Teacher Conference forms today. Please fill them out and return soon.
My students have been working on an early exploration booklet in class, and, beginning today, I'm asking that they work on it at home as well. The completed booklet is due next Wed., 9/16.


Read - 30 min.
Language: Finish worksheet
Social studies: Study for test; Complete the second section of your booklet. Be sure to use your checklist!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. It's so nice having an extra day!
Our first social studies test is scheduled for this Friday. The kids completed a study guide for the test today and should be reviewing it each night for homework.
I will be going over the guidelines for the upcoming book report tomorrow. Everyone will be writing rough drafts of the report in class next week and will then complete the final drafts at home. There is also an art piece that your child can begin working on at home as well.
***I will send home corrected work folders tomorrow!

Have a good week.

Mrs. Koue

Read: 30 min.
Math review sheet
Social studies: study for test; complete elevation worksheet

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Read- 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 29
Finish spelling homework and study for test
News Team #1 practice for presentation tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Math: Textbook pg. 64 #11-16 and 25-29
Language: Finish final draft of "Storm Chaser" paragraphs
News Team: Group 1 work on presentation for Friday

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our first News Team presentation will be this Friday with team #1 starting us off. I went over the steps and requirements today, reassuring everyone that the first round for each team will be a practice session where I can give them tips for future presentations.


Math: Homework Book pg. 25
Language: Write rough draft of "traits" paragraph

Monday, August 31, 2009

It was great meeting all of you last Thursday night. Thank you for your warm reception and the wonderful support you give your children.
Today I sent home your child's AR goal sheet. Please sign it and send it back with the yellow progress sheet tomorrow.



Read for 30 minutes
Math: Homework book pg. 23
Spelling: Begin homework - due on Friday
Sign and return AR goal sheet

Thursday, August 27, 2009

See you all tonight at 7:30!


Math: spiral review
Spelling: Study for test; finish homework

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Math: Homework Book - pg. 17 Do circled problems and Spiral Review; review sheet
Language: Subjects/Predicates sheet; Finish news story

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I sent home the Acceptable Use Agreement form for computer use today with students who have not yet already turned one in. Please sign and send back tomorrow.
Thank you!


Read for 30 min.
Math: Homework book pg. 13 (don't do 13-16);math review sheet
Spelling: Cont. to work on homework
Turn in signed computer agreement

Monday, August 24, 2009

I sent home your child's corrected work folder today. Please sign the yellow sheet and send it back with the empty folder tomorrow. Thanks!
I look forward to meeting you all this Thursday at Back to School Night.
Have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Read for 30 min.
Math: Homework book pg. 11
Spelling: Start homework (due on Friday)
Finish "I Am" poem
Finish rough draft of news story

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I sent home our first Scholastic book order form earlier this week - I encourage you to consider purchasing your child books from this list as Scholastic is very generous with classroom points this first time around. With these points I can purchase new books and classroom supplies. Thank you.


Math: Finish pg. 11
Spelling: Study for test; finish homework
Finish news story sheet

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Daily Routines book - pg. 9 Facts Practice; pg. 10 - #1-6, 10,11.
Finish name quilt
Work on spelling

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I sent home the school dismissal agreement today - one more paper to fill out and return!
I would love to put covers on our textbooks to keep them in good shape. Several students have covered their books already. They say the "jumbo" size works the best.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. 7 all, pg. 8 #1
Spelling: Continue to work on homework (all due on Friday)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thanks for dealing with all the beginning of the year paperwork so promptly. I don't think I've ever received all my completed emergency cards so quickly!
We've gotten off to a smooth start. Your children are wonderful - very respectful and motivated. I'm really enjoying getting to know them all.
Each Monday (beginning next week) I will be sending home graded work from the previous week in your child's folder. In each folder I will include a yellow half sheet which will let you know if your child has turned in all required assignments or if anything is missing. Please sign this and send it back to me the following day. Your involvement now will help ensure your child's success in the coming year.


Mrs Koue


Read: 30 Min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 5
Spelling: Work on homework assignments (all due on Friday)

*** First book report due on 9/23. Guidelines will come home in a few weeks.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Please remember to fill out and return your child's emergency card. I'd love to get them all in by tomorrow.


Read: 30 minutes

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

We had a terrific first day. It just flew by! I have a wonderful group of students and am looking forward to a great year with them.
I will try to update this blog each day after school, so please check it regularly. Unless otherwise specified, the homework assigned is due the following day.

Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 minutes
"Got Grades?" sheet

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We are all set for tomorrow! Remember to bring a bag lunch (no lunch boxes). You may purchase food there, but it's a good idea to bring a lunch to start off with. Also, don't forget your sunscreen!
Parents, please be here by 10:15. Remember that we won't return until 3:00.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We will be performing our play at the following times tomorrow:
Group 1 at 8:20
Group 2 at 9:00

Just another reminder for Thursday...We will leave school at 10:30 and will return approximately at 3:00 (I apologize, but I realized I had said 3:30 in my earlier blogs.)


Monday, June 1, 2009

Well, we made it - the final week is here! Today was a whirlwind of rehearsing our play, cleaning desks, signing yearbooks and rocking out to the Rio Rockers. Tomorrow we will be visited by Aptos High environmental studies students who will present lessons to all 4th and 5th grade classes. On Wednesday morning we will be performing our play, A Series of Unfortunate Events (We will figure out an exact time schedule for our two performances tomorrow).
We are set for our Boardwalk trip on Thursday. Remember to arrange to have your child picked up at 3:30.

I want to thank all of you for your great support this year. You have wonderful children, and it's been my pleasure to work with them. I've seen terrific growth and feel confident that they are ready to take on 6th grade!
Have a wonderful summer. We all deserve a little rest and lots of fun!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Koue


Friday, May 29, 2009

Please send in any paper grocery bags you might have stored away this Monday. The kids have lots of stuff to bring home next week!
Thanks and have a great weekend.
Mrs. Koue

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Read - 30 min.
Finish the 3 U.S. geography sheets.
Bring in your field day permission slip if you haven't already done so.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I sent home notes today confirming with parents who will be driving to the Boardwalk next week. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Also, please remember that we will not return to school that day until 3:30 and that you will have to arrange transportation for your child.


Look over script of play and become familiar with your part

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Please send in the permission slip for this Friday's field day activities as soon as possible.
I'll be calling parents who have offered to drive to the Boardwalk tomorrow afternoon. It's hard to believe, but we're only 8 school days away from summer vacation!!!
Have a good week.


Read, read, read...Finish any books you are reading so you can take another AR test by the end of this week.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It was great to see you all last night. Your children have done such wonderful work this year, and it was fun to show some of it off!
Next week I will be confirming our drivers for the Boardwalk trip on 6/4 - only 2 weeks away!
Tomorrow I will be sending home a permission slip for your child to participate in next Friday's field day activities.


Read - 30 min.
Math review

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Study for science test
Finish postcard if necessary
Finish poems and folder if necessary

Monday, May 18, 2009

Our heritage feast last Friday was a huge success! All the food was delicious and much appreciated by all. Thanks so much to all of you who contributed a yummy dish!
Please be sure to come to Open House on Wed. night. I look forward to seeing you all.

I had to attend a district meeting today, so I was unable to send home student folders. They will come home tomorrow.

Mrs. Koue


Finish postcard (if necessary)
Study for science quiz on Wednesday
News Team #4 presents on Friday

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The heritage reports look great, and the kids did a nice job presenting their oral summaries. I heard some pretty impressive things this morning!
We will have our "feast" in our classroom at 12:00 tomorrow. Thank you all in advance for helping your child with our heritage celebration.
Best regards,
Mrs. Koue


Study for the Constitution test
Finish rough draft of animal letter

Monday, May 11, 2009

Testing is over - hooray!!
The only homework I am assigning this week is the heritage report which is due this Thursday and the social studies test which I will give on Friday.
The students will also be responsible for a brief oral report on Thursday (I sent home a note explaining this today).
Our heritage feast will be this Friday - I sent home a note regarding this as well. I know this a busy time for everyone, so please keep it simple and please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Work on heritage report
Begin composing oral report (Thursday)
Study for Constitution test (Friday)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

As we talked about our heritage reports today, we thought it would be fun to have a "heritage potluck" next Friday (5/15) at lunchtime. We shared stories of favorite family recipes, many which were handed down through generations and were originally from other countries. I hope this will work for everyone - I know this is a busy time of year. Anyway, I'll send home a sheet next Monday requesting that each student brings in a dish to share with the class. I'm sure we'll end up with a varied and delicious feast that represents all our heritages!
***Book report due tomorrow!!!


Mrs. Koue

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Please continue to work on the book report and heritage report. I'm seeing some cool posters!
I'll send home final checklists for both reports tomorrow.

Monday, May 4, 2009

As we are still taking the STAR tests this week, I will not be assigning any homework except for the book report which is due this Friday and the heritage report which is due on the 14th. I've gone over all parts of the book report with the kids and have given them time in class to write their rough drafts and to work on their posters - so now they need to finish up at home. I will still give them time to work on their heritage reports in class this week, but they should be working on them at home as well.
I didn't send home folders this week, but I did give each student her/his AR point total so far this trimester. Please review this with your child. I'm encouraging everyone to take reading tests - reminding them that this practice is so important as they look toward 6th grade.

Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The testing is going well - we'll continue well into next week! We've been working on both the heritage report and the book report after testing each day, so your child should be making good progress on both. I've asked everyone to bring in the final drafts of the first 4 or 5 paragraphs of their heritage reports tomorrow, so we can assess where we are now and plan for next week.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Continue to work on the final draft of the heritage report.
Work on written part of book report and on your poster (I sent home a checklist for the report today.).

***Parents, remember to attend the Family Life meeting in the MPR tonight at 6:30.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We will begin testing first thing tomorrow morning. I've reminded everyone to get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast.
We worked on the book report today and will continue to throughout this week. I'll be asking everyone to finish the report and the poster at home next week - of course, they can work on them this week at home as well.


Continue to work on heritage report (I handed out a "Final Tips" sheet yesterday to help with the final draft copy.)

Monday, April 27, 2009

We begin the STAR testing this week, so I will not be assigning the usual homework. The only homework students will need to work on over the next two weeks is the heritage report and the book report. I've asked my students to complete the final drafts of the introduction and the first 4-5 paragraphs of their heritage reports by this Friday. I've also asked them to bring in their book report books tomorrow so that I can help them write the answers to the report questions.

I sent home the permission slip for Family Life today. Please send this back to school as soon as possible. The information meeting will be held this Wednesday at 6:30 in the MPR.

Thanks and have a good week.


Work on heritage report - final drafts of the introduction and the first 4-5 paragraphs (minimum) due on Friday
Get a good night's sleep!
Eat a good breakfast!!

Reminders: Movie Book Report due on May 8
Heritage Report due on May 14

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The students are making good progress on their heritage reports. It's fun sharing family histories. Our children have some pretty impressive ancestry! Please remind your child to continue to bring heritage information to class each day.


Read: 30 min. (We will answer the questions for the book report in class at the beginning of next week.)
Math: Review
Spelling: Study words and their definitions
Finish final draft of persuasive essay (Please turn in rough drafts too!)
News Team #3

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today I sent home an information sheet about Family Life Parent Night which will be held next Wednesday, 4/29 at 6:30 in the MPR. This session is designed to inform parents of the Family Life curriculum that will be presented to our 5th grade students over three hour-long sessions in May. Permission slips will go home the day after this meeting.
I reminded everyone today to not forget about the book report which is due on 5/8. We will write the rough draft answers to the report questions next Monday and Tuesday. They should be planning their posters - I'll give them some time in class to work on them, but they will have to work on them at home too.
We started the heritage report in class today. Starting next week I will assign parts of the final drafts for homework.


Read: 30 min
Math: Textbook- pg. 469 #1-4 and pg. 533 #1-5
Work on final draft of persuasive essay - due on Friday
News Team 3 - continue to prepare
Study spelling list

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I realized I did not mention that if you would prefer to write a check for the Boardwalk trip, it should be made out to the Rio Del Mar Parent Alliance.
I gave the kids a short spelling list today. They will need to know how to spell the words and know their meanings by Friday.



Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework book - pages 201 and 203
Spelling: Use each word in a good sentence
Remember to bring in heritage report material tomorrow!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hope you all enjoyed a great break! I sent home information and the permission slip for the 5th grade Boardwalk trip scheduled for Thursday, June 4. The cost for a day pass is $19.95 - of course, if your child already has a season pass, there is no need to purchase this. I have to send in the payment a few weeks prior to the event, so I'm asking I receive all payments no later than May 8. Also, we will not return from the Boardwalk until about 3:00, so please be sure to arrange for transportation home for your child that day. Thanks.
We will begin writing the heritage report this Wednesday in class. Please remind your child to bring in her/his information.

Have a good week - let's hope the temperature doesn't continue to rise!

Read: 30 min
Math: Homework book - pages 191 and 195
Continue to gather info for heritage report
News Team #3 prepare for Friday

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pages 427 #1-5, 442 #4-8, and 443 #1-5.
Study for science test
Finish Revolutionary War game

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today I sent home the guidelines for the final book report which is due on Friday, May 8. I encouraged my students to finish the books they are reading over the spring break and to be ready to begin working on the report when they return to school.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 175
Finish rough draft of persuasive essay
Study for science test

Monday, April 6, 2009

We will have a science test on elements and compounds this Thursday. Study guides are coming home today. I won't be assigning any homework over the break, however, everyone should continue collecting information for the heritage report and, of course, should keep reading each day.
Have a good week - only 3 days left!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pg. 167; textbook pg. 396 #220-24 and pg. 400 #17-21
Science: Begin studying for test on Thursday
Continue to gather information for heritage report

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
Spelling: Finish homework and study for test
News Teams 1 and 2 on for tomorrow

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Homework Book pages 213-214 and review half sheet
News Teams: Continue to prepare

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I reminded everyone to continue reading a chapter book for or next and final book report.
I will give them the guidelines for this report next week. It won't be due until mid-May, and we will complete most of it in class.


Read: 30 min.
Spelling: Continue workbook pages or alternative worksheets
Math: In Homework book page 211 and review half sheet
Finish Revolution ABC page

Monday, March 30, 2009

This past Friday we compiled a list of interview questions for the heritage report. Please be sure your child gathers enough information over the next few weeks so that he or she will have sufficient material when we begin writing it in class. We will begin the report on April 20 - right after our spring break.
Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue


Read for 30 min.
Math: Pages 209-210 in Homework book
Spelling: Write words in cursive; pages 314-315
News Teams #1 & 2 are on for this Friday

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 600 #3-13 and pg. 601 #1-5
Study "Sam" vocabulary
Persuasive Essay sheet

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I sent home information on the Heritage Report today. Please go over this carefully with your child. I've asked that all information be gathered by April 20 (after Spring Break). Tomorrow we will compile interview questions in class that your child can use when speaking with relatives. I'll be sending more information home soon regarding the guidelines for the written report which we will begin working on work on in class the week of the 20th. The due date for the completed report will be Thursday, May 14.



Read: 30 min. (Guidelines for next book report will be sent home next Monday.)
Math: Daily Routines book: pgs. 265-266
Five interview questions (We will share these and make a good long list for everyone to use for their interviews.)
Study vocabulary words

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Read: 30 min. - Bring in signed AR contract for the third trimester
Math: Daily Routines Book - pg. 174
Language: Prepositional phrases worksheet ("Challenge" side)
Study for social studies test (tomorrow)
Begin studying 10 vocabulary words (#11-20) for Friday's final test on My Brother Sam

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
Spelling: Study for test
Reading: Study vocab.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We completed study guides for our next social studies test today. I will give this test next Wednesday, 3/25.


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 569 #8-19 & pg. 560 #21-25
Be ready to recite poem
Study vocabulary words

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: Textbook pg. 566 #11-22 & 26-31
Spelling: pgs. 281-282
Social Studies: Workbook pages 89-97
Continue to study vocabulary words for Friday
Continue to memorize poem for Thursday

Monday, March 16, 2009

Here's the overview for the week...
Poem recitation due on Thursday.
Know My Brother Sam is Dead vocabulary (10 words) by Friday.

Monday's homework:

Read: 30 min.
Spelling: Words in cursive; pgs. 279-280 or work on alternative list
Math: Homework book pg. 227
Begin studying vocabulary words
Memorize poem

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our Elementary Law trip was terrific. We took a tour of the new Watsonville Courthouse, learning about court security practices, self-help legal services, and jury selection and duties. We were also lucky to have both Judge Guy (Berkley's mom) and Judge Salazar give us all kinds of interesting information about trials and procedures in the courtroom. The "trial" itself was great - all the players did a wonderful job!


Read: 30 min.
Math: Review
Spelling: Use each challenge word in a good sentence; study for test

***Choose a poem soon for your presentation next Thursday. You may use one from the packet I gave you today or find one from another source (please let me see the poem you've chosen if you do this).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Please remember to bring a bag lunch tomorrow. Also, students who wish to dress up for their parts in the play - please do so.
Parent drivers, see you at 10:00!


Read: 30 min.
Math: In textbook - pg. 118 #3-15 & pg. 119 #1-6
Continue to work on spelling homework

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: pg. pg. 103 #1-23 in textbook
Social Studies: Debate sheet

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today marks the beginning of the third and final trimester - the final stretch is here!
I told everyone today that during this final grading period I will not be accepting late work. I will accept late projects, but I will mark these down 10% each day that they are late. I will certainly continue to take notes from parents asking for extensions if anything comes up that prevents a student from turning in work on time. We are preparing for 6th grade, and this is one of the things 6th grade teachers support. Thanks for your help.
We will be participating in the Elementary Law Program this Thursday at the Watsonville Courthouse. Thanks to all parents who have volunteered to drive. If you would still like to come and see our class perform, please do.
Have a good week.
Mrs. Koue


Read: 30 min.
Spelling: Words in cursive, pg. 253; or alternative packet
Math: pg. 46 (all)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Read:30 min.
Math: Review
Finish final draft of survival story
News Team #4

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Read:30 min.
Math: pg. 83 #4-8
Work on final draft of survival story (due on Friday)
Study law vocabulary
News Team #4 work on presentations

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Read: 30 min.
Math: worksheet (9 problems)
Finish president report
Choose something interesting from your report to share with the class.
Begin learning the meaning of the law vocabulary (know by Friday)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our trip to the life lab was great - chilly - but great! The kids participated in activities about nutrition, harvested vegetables, and made a delicious vegetable soup. Thanks again to all my parents who drove and chaperoned.

Tonight's homework:

Read: 30 min.
President report: Final drafts of conclusion, table of contents; work on any other parts that you still need to complete

Folders will go home tomorrow.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday's homework

Read: 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - Review; Group 2 - Math book pg. 332 #8-21
Continue to work on president report (paragraph(s) on life after presidency ended)
News Teams 1 & 3 practice presentation for tomorrow

***Note to parents: We worked on the report bibliography today. Tomorrow we will write the introduction.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday's homework

Read: 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #118 (odds only); Group 2 - pg. 140
Language: Finish pgs. 242,243, and 244.
Continue to work on your president report - try to have final drafts right through your president's time in office
News Teams #1 & 3: Continue to prepare for Friday

*Reminders: Please send in consent form for the Healthy Kids Survey.
Also, please send in permission slips for next Monday's field trip to UCSC. Students who don't turn one in will not participate.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I sent home the permission form for the Elementary Law Program today. I also sent home a permission slip for the healthy student survey that 5th grade students take. Please read this carefully and send it back indicating whether or not you want your child to complete this survey.


Tuesday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #117; Group 2 - workbook page 138
Finish rough draft of "Survival" story
President report: Continue to work on final drafts (campaign and accomplishments during presidency)
***This may be a lot of work for some students. I don't want anyone working for hours! I would prefer that students who need to finish their stories concentrate on this and work on the president report later in the week. Thanks!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The symphony performance was great. My students were great too! We are so lucky to experience a cultural event featuring our local talent.
We are continuing to work on the president reports this week. Starting tonight I will be assigning specific final drafts of the report each night. We will be writing the Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs together later on this week. We will also be compiling bibliographies. Please remind your child to continue to bring books and other resources to class.
We have two more field trips coming up soon. Our trip to the UCSC Life Lab is on for next Monday. I will be confirming with my parent drivers this week.
I will be sending home the permission slips for the Elementary Law trip tomorrow in the student work folders. This trip is on March 12.
Have a good week.

Work folders go home on Tuesday this week!

Monday's homework

Read for 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #116 Practice Set only; Group 2 - pg.319 Key Standards Review
President report: Final drafts of "Early Jobs" and "Marriage and Family" paragraphs
News Teams - Groups 1 & 3 are on for this Friday

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We had a great trip to the weather station today. The children were super - well behaved and engaged. It was fun visiting Denis the Menace Park as well!
We will have our final ceramics class tomorrow. Please bring in a paper bag if you wish to take any of your pieces home.

Thursday's homework

Read: 30 min.
Math: Reviews for both groups
Study for weather test

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Remember to bring a bag lunch and a warm jacket for tomorrow's field trip. Thanks again to all my drivers - see you at 9:15!

Wednesday's homework

Read - 30min.
Math: Group 1 -#115 (evens only); Group 2 - pg. 310 (starting with #4 do even numbers)
Language - pg. 93 only
Study for weather test

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our class subscription to the Santa Cruz Sentinel has become a victim of the economic times, and we are no longer receiving the newspaper. I would like to continue our news teams activity and other current events lessons and was hoping I could ask you to send in already read newspapers with your child. Any paper and any date of the week is fine. It would be especially nice to get Sunday and Monday papers for class on Monday - we could get our news teams for the week set up with these. Also, I would like to do a weather activity with the kids tomorrow and would love some papers for this. Thanks!
Our field trip to the weather station is this Thursday. We will be leaving school at 9:15 and will return by 1:30. If weather permits, we would like to have lunch at Dennis the Menace Park which is nearby. Please have your child bring a bag lunch.
Our trip to the symphony is next Monday. Everyone will need a bag lunch that day as well.
Please remember to send in permission slips and $5.00 for our trip to UCSC on March 2.
Again, I'm sorry about all these trips falling so close together!

I sent home guidelines for the final draft of the president report today. Beginning today I will be assigning parts of the report each night. Hopefully this will prevent any last minute panic!

Thanks and have a good week.

Mrs. Koue

Tuesday's homework

Read: 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #114; Group 2 - pgs. 129-130
President report: final drafts of "Birth/family" and "Education" paragraphs
Science: Begin studying for weather test on Friday

***President reports are due on Wednesday, March 4.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I sent home the permission slip for the UCSC Life Lab field trip today. The cost for this trip is $5.00 per student. Also, please let me know if you can drive.
Our trip for the Elementary Law Program will be coming up on March 12 - I will need drivers for this one as well and will send the info next week.
I'm sorry that all these trips come in a fairly short period of time - some of them were out of my control as far as dates are concerned.
Thanks for all your support.

Thurday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #112; Group 2 - Review sheet
Sign of the Beaver Reading Response Journal - due tomorrow (review checklist to make sure your journal is complete)
Study for social studies test

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm sorry this is posting so late - my blog site has not responded to my several attempts this afternoon. Technology!!!!!!!
Our Valentine's Day breakfast is tomorrow morning at 8:00. Please bring in your $5.00 if you haven't already done so. Thanks.

Tuesday's Homework

Read: 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #111; Group 2 - pg. 123-124
Sign of the Beaver: Work on compare/contrast paragraphs (to be included in your reading response journal which is due this Friday.)
Social studies: Study for test on Friday
Book report due tomorrow

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Remember to bring to class all materials for your president report. We will continue to take notes on Thursday and Friday. We will begin to write rough drafts next week!

Here are the homework assignments for the rest of the week.

Wednesday's homework

Math: Group 1 - #109; Group 2 - workbook pages 116-117
Study Sign of the Beaver vocabulary for tomorrow's reading test

Thursday's homework

Math: Group 1 - review; Group 2 - workbook pages 119-120
Spelling: Finish homework and study
News Team #2 - Be ready to present

***Remember that your book report is due next Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday's homework

Read: 30 min.
Spelling: pg. 240 (including "Write a Description") or work on contract
Math: Group 1 - #107; Group 2 - workbook pages
Social Studies: Opinion article for newspaper (be sure to carefully edit)
Study vocabulary

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hello and happy Groundhog Day!
We will be taking notes for the president reports this week. We had a very productive session today, and I'm hopeful that this part of the process will be completed by this Friday. Some students still need more resource materials, and I've asked them to look for information on the internet or make a trip to the library.
You will all be receiving information regarding the 5th grade Valentine's Day breakfast which will be held on Wed., 2/11. Thanks to all my parents who are making this happen.

Monday's Homework

Read: 30 min.
Spelling: Write words in cursive; pgs. 238-239; or contract
Math: group 1 - #106; group 2 - homework book pgs. pgs. 105 & 107 (odd #s only)
Sign of the Beaver: Begin studying the 15 vocabulary words for Thursday's final test
News Team #2 will present on Friday

***Remember that your "Letter to the Author" book report is due on Wed. 2/11.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday's homework

Read: 30 min. ***book report due on 2/11!
Math: Group 1 -#103; Group 2 - practice book, pg. 140
Social Studies: Complete 2 news stories for colonial newspaper

***Please send in any empty aluminum cans - soup, beans, ect. - for a science investigation.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday homework

Read: 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #102; Group 2 - Practice book: pgs. 134 &136(1-10)
Spelling: finish workbook pages or contract
Language: Final draft of descriptive paragraph

***Please bring in signed permission slips for both field trips.


Monday, January 26, 2009

The blog system is not cooperating this afternoon and didn't publish my Monday update - very frustrating! Anyway, we will be starting the president report in class this week. There are several components to this report which will be clearly explained in a the guidelines I will give my students tomorrow. I will have them bring these guidelines home for you to review with them as well. With this report I will be covering skills such as note-taking, paraphrasing, report organization, and writing a bibliography. The rough drafts of the report will be completed in class, and the final drafts will be done as homework.
I will be sending home two field trip permission slips this week - one for the symphony and one for the national weather service. The symphony trip is $4.00 per student (for the buses) and the other is free.
Congratulations to our class spelling bee winners, Hannah Whitted and Jessica Scoppettone. They will be competing against all the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade winners in our school bee this Friday. Good luck to them both!
***Please remember that the science weather project is due this Friday.

Mrs. Koue

Monday's homework

Read: 30 min.
Math: Review for both groups
Spelling: Words in cursive, pg. 224-225; or alternative contract

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I sent home the guidelines for the next book report today. This report will be completed as homework and is due on Wednesday, 2/11.
I also sent home a list of the U.S. presidents from which your child can choose for the president report. I've asked everyone to choose a president by next Monday and, if possible, to gather resources (books, internet info, etc.)and bring them to class by next Tuesday. I will go over the guidelines of the report with them on Monday.

Thursday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Math: group 1 - 99; group 2 - 119
Spelling: Finish homework and study for test
Think about which president you want to study!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday's homework

Read - 30 min
Math: group 1 - #98; group 2- #118
Spelling: pg. 205 (including "Write About an Experience") or contract
Social Studies: homework book pages 80 & 81

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I sent some important papers home today. Please look for the annual school survey form and for the yearbook order form.

As I mentioned last week, we have some great activities planned for the next few months. Here they are, including dates:
*The 5th grade Valentine's Day breakfast - 2/13. The 5th grade teachers are making arrangements for this event this week and will contact parents with details soon.
*Field trip to the Monterey weather station - 2/19. I will need drivers for this trip and will send information home soon.
*Santa Cruz Symphony - 2/23. We will have buses for this trip and can only take 2 parent chaperones per class.
*Field trip to the UCSC life lab - 3/2. I will need parent drivers.
*Elementary Law Program at the Watsonville Courthouse - 3/12. I will need drivers. This is a great trip, and I encourage you all to come!
I will send home detailed information regarding all of these events as they approach.


Mrs. Koue

Monday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #97; Group 2 - 116
Spelling: words in cursive, pages 203&204; or work on contract

*** Remember that your weather project is due on 1/30. Be sure to fill out the form I gave you last week and bring it in with your project.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday's Homework

Read - 30 min.
Math - Review (both groups)
Language: Practice book pages 207, 208, and 213

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday's Homework

Read - 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #94; Group 2 - #115
Social Studies: pg. 78-79 in homework book

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year and welcome back!
I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful winter break. I feel energized and am looking forward to the second half of 5th grade. We have some great activities coming up over the next few months such as the Elementary Law Program and field trips to the Santa Cruz Symphony and the UCSC life lab. I will announce specific dates and important information regarding these events soon.
Please make sure your child continues to bring necessary supplies to class - binder paper, pencils, colored pencils, personal pencil sharpeners, and scissors.
Thank you!

Mrs. Koue

Dates to remember:

***Weather station science project due on 1/30

***Book report due on 2/11 (guidelines will be sent home later this week)

Tuesday's Homework

Read for 30 minutes
Math: Group 1 - #92; Group 2 - #113
Sign of the Beaver: Definitions for the 5 vocabulary words