Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Study for Crispen vocabulary test (tomorrow!)
Memorize poem for Thursday

Wednesday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Be ready to recite poem

Happy Holidays!

See you all in '09!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Excitement is in the air as we approach the winter break! I know things can get pretty hectic, juggling all the events that happen this time of year with the usual school schedule. Thanks for helping your children stay focused on their school work during these final weeks.

Homework will be on the light side this week, the main assignments being studying for the Crispen vocabulary test on Wednesday and memorizing the poem for Thursday.
I did not send home folders today - they will go home tomorrow. Please remember to check and sign your child's yellow progress sheet.

Wednesday is our trip to AJHS to see Sleeping Beauty. We will be leaving school at 8:30. Thanks to all my parent drivers!

Looking ahead to 2009... I have asked the kids to read as much as they can over the winter break. I will be assigning a book report (fiction - chapter book) when we come back in January. I reminded them that their reading will prepare them to take AR tests as well. Also , I will be sending home the guidelines for a weather science project tomorrow. Our next science unit is on weather, and as our unit project each student will choose one type of weather station and build it. This project won't be due until Jan. 30, but if your child has a free afternoon during the break, she/he might want to get an early start.

Have a wonderful winter break. Enjoy time with family and friends and get lots of rest - if possible!

Best regards,

Mary Ann Koue

Monday's homework

Study for vocabulary test
Memorize poem
Read - 30 min.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We continued to work on the colony brochure today - they look great!
We also compiled a list of 20 vocabulary words (taken from this week and last week's spelling lists) and wrote down their meanings. These will be the words used in next Wednesday's vocabulary test.
Tomorrow I will give everyone a packet of poems for next Thursday's poem recitations. Everyone must chose one long one (at least 10 lines) or two short ones to memorize. Choosing a poem that is not in the packet is fine, but I would like to see it ahead of time.

Here's the homework for the rest of the week:

Read: Crispen - Chapters 33, 34, & 35
Math: Group 1 - #85; Group 2 - #106
Spelling: Sentences using 10 spelling words
Social Studies: Finish the second panel of brochure
Study for science test


Read - 30 min.
Math review (both groups)
Study for spelling test
Finish brochure

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

We began working on the colony brochures in earnest today and made great progress. I will be assigning different sections to be completed for homework throughout the week. Tonight the kids need to finish their covers and the first panel of their brochures. I gave them a checklist stating what I expect. Please review this with them.
Please send in the field trip forms along with $1.00 for your child. Also, please let me know if you can drive. The Jr. High play is always fun, and it's great to see former Rio students perform!

Thanks and have a good afternoon.

Mrs. Koue

Tuesday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Spelling: Definitions for words 11-20
Social Studies: Finish your cover and the first panel(be sure to carefully edit your writing!!!)
Science: Continue to study for Thursday's test

Monday, December 8, 2008

We were talking in class today about holiday activities and decided that instead of a $5.00 gift exchange with classmates that we would prefer to donate our money to a local charity. We decided on Jacob's Heart. This organization would use our class donation to help support a family struggling with the expenses of cancer care for their child this holiday season. We thought $5.00 per student would be reasonable - but there's no obligation. Please do what works best for you. Thanks.
I've sent home your child's AR goal sheet today - please sign it for the second trimester and send it back tomorrow. The 30 minutes of reading I assign each night should help your child complete books that he/she can take tests on. If the computer testing format does not work well for your child, he/she can take a short written test on the book. I will give the same number of points as the computer test awards.
We will be attending Aptos Jr. High's production of Sleeping Beauty on Wednesday, 12/17. I sent home permission slips today. Please let me know if you can drive. The cost for each student and adult is $1.00.


Mrs. Koue

Monday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #82; Group 2 - #103
Spelling: Words in cursive; definitions for first 10 words
Science: Begin studying for Thursday's test
Sign AR contract and bring in on Tuesday

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday's homework:

Read - 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #78; Group 2 - worksheet
Spelling: Sentences
News Teams 2,3,&4: Prepare and practice for Friday's presentation

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Please remember to bring in your Scholastic Book Club order forms by tomorrow!

Tuesday's homework

Read - 30 min.
Math: Group 1 - #76; Group 2 - #92
Spelling: Definitions for #11-20
Language: "Writing Dialogue"

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hello and happy December!
As the countdown to the winter break begins, I want to give you a preview of some of the assignments due during the next three weeks.
***Science test on Thursday, 12/11
***Middle Colony Brochure due on Friday, 12/12 (I will hand out the guidelines for this project tomorrow.)
***Vocabulary test (Crispen) on Wednesday, 12/17
***December poem recitation on Thursday, 12/18 (I will hand out the list of poems next Monday.)

Monday's homework
Read for 30 min.
Math: Both groups - review sheet
Spelling: Words in cursive; definitions for first 10 (All spelling homework is due on Friday - I just divide it up during the week so no one gets bogged down on Thursday night!)
News Teams #2,3,&4 prepare for Friday's presentations.